I have 13 & 17 year old daughters. I am passing skills on to them. I just volunteered to be a helper with my youngest daughters church youth group. I'm hoping they will let me show the kids a few things about bow hunting. The church is located by a woods.
Right now I unfortunately don't have anyone to pass skills on to. I'm only 20 so I don't have kids. I have however gotten involved with the youth turkey hunts and have taken some kids out hunting through that program with a pretty good success rate. It's hard to beat seeing the smiles on their faces whenever they get a kill.
My 3 younger brothers, the oldest of which turned 16 the other day. Of course, i dont have much to pass on at this point :d
It's been my wife for the past 5 years. But I've also been helping one of my brothers out and my father in the past year... But the most exciting will be someday with my son or daughter, who's still a bun in the oven.
My son is becoming quite the archer and deer hunter. My 2 daughters don't have much interest, and that's ok. I'm also teaching the Doe how to shoot. There are also several youngsters that frequent the shop and I teach them some as well.
My son is becoming quite the archer and deer hunter. My 2 daughters don't have much interest, and that's ok. I'm also teaching the Doe how to shoot. There are also several youngsters that frequent the shop and I teach them some as well.
As far as bow hunting goes, my father, a couple friends, and my 12 year old cousin I guided a hunting camp for kids (both privileged and under-privileged) for a summer hunting exotics. The look on their faces after their first kill is priceless!
My 2 year old son Wyatt, of course, and some neices and nephews. For general outdoors knowledge, I hope I pass something on to every person that visits my resort in Ontario. That's most of the fun of that buisness, teaching people something new.
I introduce one of my best friends to hunting 4 years ago, and he's hooked now. Got his 1st deer this Oct, with a bow. Got it on video for him. My wife started hunting fall of '07. She love to shoot her bow, and she came close to taking a shot at a couple does this past fall. Hopefully, someday in the future I'll be blessed with to opportunity to pass it on to a child or too... but that's a ways away yet! Otherwise, I'm ready to help anyone that veins interest in hunting, like my neighbor. She didn't even like venison until my wife and I started cooking it for her this past summer and fall. Now she thinks she wants to give it (hunting) a try.
My son has little interest, well in fact he pretty much straight out says animals should live and he don't like blood. He's a softy but he does encourage me to shoot only big deer. "No little ones dad". That's ok my daughter who is only 3 loves blowing on my calls and watches hunting shows and says that's gotta hurt when something gets shot. Hopefully she will be interested in a few years. Would be great to share it with one of them. Besides someone needs to take my mounts when I am no longer around.
My 7 year old son. He enjoys some time in the woods. We just have to work on his patients a little more. And hopefully my daughter will want to get into it.
I have 7 and 8 year old boys. My oldest is interested in shooting his bow while the younger likes his BB gun more. I also have a 2 year old daughter and one on the way. So once I learn a litte I'll teach them something. :d
Anyone I can. The latest was a young man named Tyler. Two weeks ago, his father or uncle (not sure which) bought him a Diamond Edge at Gander. I showed up to use a lane just as they were starting. Needless to say, after realizing that the father/uncle? needed help, I put my bow down and helped the little guy get to grouping at 20 and a short tutorial on adjusting his sight. He was eating it up. After an hour and a half of shooting, the little guy didn't have much of an arm left and they happily went on their way. My friend that was "shooting" with me, just laughed and said he knew I was gonna do that. I love helping youngsters with archery. I am not a pro, but I enjoy it. I have my first son on the way and I can't wait to pass all kinds of things on to him.
I am the beginning hunter in my family. Noone in my family hunted, only fished. I got into it on my own 17 years ago and thank god he inspired me to do so. I let my son and daughter shoot a recurve bow that is too heavy for them, but they love it. I also take them on walks in the woods and on scouting trips and talk hunting with me. I really hope one of my three children take an interest in hunting. My 6 year old daughter and 4 year old son love fishing so I hope that translates into one of them liking hunting. I would not know what to do with myself if one of my kids took up hunting. It would be the ultimate gift for me. I also pray that all my hard work will help me buy some land one day, to enjoy and share with my family.