Well hunting food sources is best in the evening but you run into the problem of getting down and back to the truck without bumping deer. I'd hang one stand on a side of the field where you can see good but where u can get out undetected. Pretty much an observation stand. Hunt it to see exactly what the deer are doing. If you see a shooter watch what he does. Where did he enter the field at? Where did he exit? Try to watch what trees he walks in front of. The next time you get a good wind I'd go back in there really early in the evening and put a lock on up based on what the deer did from your observations. Try to stay as scent free as possible when doing this.... These deer should be starting to hit the food sources hard again any day now, so good luck Andrew.
Sean awesome buck and awesome video man!! Congrats. Love it when it all comes together like that. Been busy here gents not much hunting. Gun season in MI really screws things up. Have a couple cameras still rolling and when I get a daylight pic I'll be back at it. Good luck and kill one!! to those in states where the deer move in daylight still LOL.
Hey guys so I just re-realized that I never found my scoring breakdown on my first buck. I guess I'm gonna have to re-score it and submit it again. Sorry about that!
I've done some scouting of that property and have a shooter 8 pointer that will score near 130. He is probably 4.5-5.5 yrs old
Not much to report here. Got close last saturday night. The fog really screwed me. I'm 95% sure I had a 160" hitlister at 30yds with 15 minutes of shooting light. Camera light was marginal with the fog and just didn't feel right, tough pill to swallow. Hopefully I can find him again this weekend!
I know this is BOWhunting.com, but I figured I'd share with you guys anyway. This is my New Year's Eve doe with the shotgun here in Illinois.
A friend of mine shot this a couple days ago. I helped him blood trail him. 6 by 7, 3.5 year old Sent from my ALCATEL A845L using Tapatalk
Alright Team.....good work this season, way to do the heavy lifting for the unsuccessful, like myself. The 2015 season was without a doubt bad. Over 200 hours invested and not even one doe within bow range. Last night was my last sit of the year and I'm glad it's over. Looking forward to spending more time with the family without my mind wondering to deer hunting. This spring will be special because my little girl will be hunting with me for the first time. I'm hoping to get her on a spring turkey with the crossbow. Good luck to those still hunting, blessings men, keep looking up! Chad