Try this test. I got 80% on my first try although several of my answers were WAGs.
I can honestly say of every shed I have ever found.. None were at a fence crossing Thats the only one I missed.
I just took the test again and I was wrong.. I missed 2 not one... The one I forgot to mention I missed was... It claims deer have monochromatic vision when in fact they have dicromatic vision. That test sucks
Got to round 3 and missed five on that round....oh well, I guess they didn't want to ask the most important question.... WHEN WHITETAIL HUNTING, WHAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR FOR A SUCCESSFUL HUNT? A. Being scent free. B. Shooting the deer. C. Knowing all the answers to this trivia quiz. D. Having a lucky rabbits foot haning on your neck.