Can anyone fill me in on the better rests for whitetail hunting like a fall away ,fixed or something like a whisker biscuit and the pros/cons to each thanx in advance
It really depends on your style of hunting and what you expect out of your equipment. If you want a full containment rest, check out the Octane Hostage Pro, same principal as a Whisker Bisquit but without damaging your vanes. If you want a standard prong rest for ultimate tuning, check out the Golden Key's and the NAP QuickTune 3000 Micro. As far as dropaways go, the VaporTrail Limb Driver has really took off and is what I currently have on my bow, very easy to set-up and tune, but other rests such as the TR Dropzone, TT Shakey Hunter, and Muzzy Zero Effect are great.
I've used both. I now prefer a fall away. I use a Vital Gear Kaz away rest. It actually has best of both worlds. It contains the arrow by having 2 pinchers that grab hold of the arrow & open when at full draw. If you let down, they grab the arrow again.
Drop away rests are nice but have to be timed correctly and have moving parts. I have been thinking about getting an Octane Hostage Pro and trying it out to reduce moving parts on my bow
that is the one i am going with i have heard nothing but good about the octane hostage pro and its only like 80 bucks so thats a plus
Be aware, that those bristles will make noise when you draw your arrow. Try to find a bow that has one, and draw your arrow and listen. That was the big problem I found w/the WB. You can actually hear it, and if you can hear it, they surely can hear it. This is especially true with camo arrows. The finish is a little different than reg. carbon arrows. My buddy bought my WB because of the simplicity. But now, he's getting rid of it because of the sound. He even tried coating his arrows w/the scorpion? arrow release product, but no success.
I have had great luck with the Qad Pro rest. I have tried the Rip Cord which worked good, but I always end up going back to my Qad.
I have a Octane Hostage Pro and i love it your arrow isn't going any where its just a really good rest in my opinion.
i use the ripcord but gotta make sure you put some sort of mole skin on it and on ur bow where it will "snap" down
When it comes to hunting, regardless of your quarry, I don't think you can beat any of the full-containment rests that are out there. The Whisker Biscuit is probably still the most popular and while a lot of guys knock it, there's a lot of people using it to successfully kill animals year after year. It's pretty much fool-proof and perfect for down and dirty hunting. Some of the other variations on this rest are of course the Octane Hostage and Hostage Pro, and the NAP CaptureRest. Both do the same thing as the WB without the fletching contact. You can't really go wrong with any of these designs. They hold your arrow in place 100% of the time, eliminating virtually any problem you might have in the field. Like a few others mentioned, there are some hybrid type rests that are both full capture and drop-away which is really the best of both worlds. Personally, I'll be shooting an NAP Freedom rest very soon. This is a full-containment style rest that holds your arrow while drawing, but then falls away with the forward momentum of your arrow when you shoot. It has no cables to tie in, which makes it super easy to set up. As always, if anyone is looking for anything in particular make sure you check out our online shopping cart and if you don't see it there, PM me and chances are I can get it for you at a really good price.
I personally use the Whisker Biscuit but have been looking at moving to the Hostage Pro. I have no complaints with the WB.
Im going with the NAP Quick Tune Freedom for hunting! I think this rest will even perform better shooting down from a treestand.Full capture drop away with no connections to bow to activate it I think is an awesome idea.I will post up a review when mine gets here.
I can only speak for myself, but I find the Octane Hostage rests to be incredible. I'll be upfront and say that I don't have experience with any other rests, but the Hostage provides full containment, is fool proof (which is good for me) and is a rest that I never have to worry about when I'm in the deer woods. There are some that say the brushes wear out rather quickly, but for $9 I feel this one negative is severely outweighed by the advantages.