Im in the process of making a Texas mount and had a few questions for you guys.There is no Taxi forum yet so I thought I would try here. 1)Do you wash off skull after cleaning with 40% peroxide or do you just let it evaporate? 2)What type of clear coat do you use on skull when it is finished? 3)How do you mount skull to mounting board(when skull is pretty weak but real heavy)? Any advice would be appreciated.Thanks in advance.
Try asking Quicksilver about that kind of stuff. He's had several good posts over the years about it. He'd probably know what your talking about.. and what you needed.
Ill assume that a Texas mount is the same as a Euro mount? If not, just ignore my answers. 1) I didn't use peroxide, I cheated. After I boiled it and got it really clean, I used KILZ white spray paint and painted the skull. 2) I didn't use any type of clear coat. 3) I don't think my skull was weak like you mention, but I drilled pilot holes through the back of the plague into the skull. Then I screwed them together with 2 2" wood screws. Here is what it looks like