I just got done watching White Knuckle Productions DVD Full Circle and all I have to say is that it was awesome, I enjoyed every minute of it everything from the shed hunting to the hunts and the deer taken I can't wait to buy the next ones. Once again to all you White Knuckle Production guys it was awesome..... Good Job!!
And the best thing about it is Justinand Mike's quest for Big Rob. :D :D :D Schultzy told me about it and it's the only reason I ordered it. I'm hoping Duke lays the smackdown on Big Rob this year! Particularly on video. No pressure Mike.
Definitely good stuff, always good videography and stories....You would like their other 2 dvds if you liked Full Circle
Thanks guys it means alot that you guys like them!! I know we have alot of fun making them for ya,and as long you keep liking them we will keep at it for ya!! Walt PS. If some of the bigboys fall that the team have been watching it is going to be and incredible year again!!Walt
Nothing would please me more Dan. Good luck, I'll be watching for the photos, or stories of the mishaps. :D I truly hope one of you score him, I'd imagine this year, he's got to be something!
I'm hoping we get a chance to see him and see what he looks like this year. It would be interesting to see if he's still a Rob Buck.
todd has put together the best videos i have ever purchased and i have bought them all. i hope that someday i can produce some awesome footage and be in one of his videos. todd is the man keep laying it down bro...
phenominal videos...can't wait for the next one to come out. I think i've seen all the others multiple times...good for "studying up" before the season starts!
Thanks alot again everyone!!! It makes you feel all fuzzy when ya hear hunters liking what ya worked so darn hard on all season..Walt
Thanks so much for the feedback guys (and girls - Dan). We have only just begun! Just in the last 3 nights of filming I've already captured some stuff that will blow yall away! Can't wait to share it with you guys! I hope everyone is having a great summer! Thanks again for all the kind words!
Dude, seriously? Do you not recall yourself gushing and screaming like a little girl in Full Circle? :D