I can't really speak for the adult line, but both of my boys have Whisper Creek Phantoms. They have been good starter bows for them. Nothing they can hunt with but being 8 and 9 its been a good bow to get started with.
same as GAB, I started my young 'un on a phantom last year at 4yrs old... couldn't tell ya about their adult bows though
I shot one at our shop last summer. It was very quiet, but the short ATA didn't suit me. I think they went out of business??
I think so because i couldnt find there website. I had a whisper creek that i really liked but i grew out of it so i bought a bowtech and im not to happy with it
I have a whisper creek innovator and I love it! They did go out of business but my bow is going strong for three years now and it is the quietest bow I ever shot, but the new stringstop technology on new bows is probably just as quiet.