Thanks guys! It felt good to let an arrow loose again. I'll probably hunt again October 1st but then not again until late Oct/Early Nov. Good luck everyone!
I have not hunted yet guys. Right now I will probably be hunting Oct 1 and 2 weather dependent. So I'm not help as of yet.
No worries plenty of time. I will be out the afternoon of opening day then the morning of the 2nd for sure. Maybe the afternoon but I work the next day so thats still up in the air.
I'll be out Saturday. I'm hoping the corn is out by then. It's going to be miserably hot, but I have to make the most of my opportunities. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Ordered a scent crusher bag. Should be able to try it out tomorrow. I know everyone has strong opinions about ozone machines one way or the other, but for me I think it will add an extra layer to trying to stay scent free. I intend to use the ozone generator not just with the bag, but in my truck, boots, and action packers. I'll keep you posted on how I think it works for me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Nice little 8 pointer has started to show up on a property that I have permission to hunt. Going to try and get my buddy Jake to hunt out there and video him for Shedding Light Outdoors. Hope he sticks around for us...
the drop tine is amazing. I want to shoot one so bad. And that deer is amazing! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk