Seems like my best days for respectable bucks are at the beginning of October. Seems like I catch them on their normal patterns before they know that I’m in the area hunting. Oct 8,9 and 10 have been good days in the past 4 years. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
in Georgia where I do most of my bow hunting ..the first few days of opening of bow season in early September to catch them unpressured and still on their summer pattern and November 5-12th for the rut
Personally, I love early season. I see a lot of deer movement the first 2 weeks of season in the heat... Other guys won't be in the woods because it's hot... My next favorite would be October 25-November 2nd. Pre-rut Antler banging gets bucks chasing and they're on the move. Any later in november, you deal with bucks locked down on does and its 2 days off, one day on fire....
I will also add that the opener is a great time to get out. Deer just seem to be in their natural state. I haven't hunted the opener at home for a few years as I'm in Colorado chasing elk now which is kind of bittersweet seeing I had a 6 year streak of harvesting (mostly freezer queens) before I started to head out west.
October 1-3 Mainly because it's nice to get out - but also because I think bucks tend to make mistakes those first 3 early mornings or late evenings of October. If the weather and wind is right I think it's a great opportunity to fill a tag. October 29-November 12 are probably my favorite days. But I actually prefer the front end of these days more than the back end... I think the biggest reason is I've typically laid off my best stands and these days are typically my first sits and my most productive sits on those prime stand locations.
I’ll be in a stand basically all day from October 28th-November 5th. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk