I am looking for my first bow since junior high. I am 6'7" 250lbs, so I have quite the span. Does anyone have any advice on a bow that is good for a big guys frame? I don't want a Long Draw bow because they are too long between the axles for hunting in thick brush. Any help that can be provided will be greatly apperciated.
You will certainly have a long DL. I don't know how long it has been since you were in jr high, but the trend in past few years has seen bows getting shorter and shorter ATA lengths. Due to the fact that these newer bows have longer riser lengths with parallel limb designs, you can shot a shorter ATA bow without losing the forgiveness that the longer ATA bows use to give you. I would simply suggest going into one of your local pro shops and shooting a bunch of their bows until you find one that feels the best to you and has the ATA you are looking for. Good luck in your search.
That's going to put you somewhere in a 31.5" to 32" draw length depending on how long your arms are. 32" is the maximum draw that I've seen any manufacturer produce so you're in luck there but there is going to be a limited selection at that DL since the majority only go to 30". Whatever you look at I wouldn't go shorter in axle to axle (ATA) length than 32" but longer is going to be less touchy and more comfy to shoot. Personally I'd look for something in the 38" ATA range. Best of luck!
When you say you don't want a "Long Draw," do you mean long axle to axle? Your draw is what it is. Personally, being a bigger guy, when I did what you did, (bought my first bow since junior high) I picked up a Bowtech Commander.(37.5 ATA) What a bow. It was like going from a Dodge Shadow to a Cadillac. I think you will be more comfortable in the 34-38 ATA Range. Here are some more questions that may help us to help you. What are you currently shooting? What was the bow that you bought in junior high? What did you like or dislike about it? You are in for a treat as far as the advances that have been made in archery.
even though you said you dont like the LD take a look at Mathews switchback LD or the Drealin LD... both still pretty short. http://mathewsinc.com/ i shoot the switchback and love it (6'4" 275lbs)
hey todd, i finally found you on here.by the way untill you shoot the bows mentioned.you will never know what is right for you
Hoyt makes bows that go out to 34" draw and you will most likely be in the 32"-33" range.Your build will really play a big role. I know you don't want a long a-a bow but to be honest,it will be tough finding the correct draw that isn't a longer a-a and going under 38" will probably hurt more than it would help. You will also have a hard time finding one to try at that draw length to really find out what draw you really are. The Hoyt Pro 38 imo,would be a nice compromise in shootability and maneuverability for someone of your size in the deer woods(it goes out to 33 1/2" ).Just make sure you stick with an adjustable draw length bow and you should be able to get it right for you. Heck,I am 5'9 1/2" tall and I shoot a 35" bow for hunting.
I'm in agreement with tfox. A long draw such as yourself should be better suited for a longer ATA bow. As much as long draws are "envied" for the speed etc they get over us shorter draws, there comes a time though that a real long draw finds it difficult to find a fitting bow. The longer the draw on short ATA bows, the tighter the pinch point on the arrows. Today's loops fix a lot of that however too short ATA can still be a factor. That said, depending on what your looking for and what draw length Bowtech's Swat goes to 31" DL at a 34" ATA and it's Sniper goes to 32" DL at a 34 1/16" ATA. Bowtech's longer ATA bows like the Sentinel and Brigadier stop at 30.5 and 30" DL. Fortunately with Bowtech's rotating cams, you can try them before you buy them.