I wonder how long it'll be before "iamyouhuckleberry" shows up? He's probably too busy bowhunting something in some remote corner of the universe to notice we've all migrated. I'm going with 2 days 5.5 hours from now (2/7 @ 21:50 EST). Anyone else?
I am supposed to give him a ring soon about a deer hunt. Rob, which island is the bear hunt on exactly?
Thanks Raceway! I love your avatar-the man is definitely all about surround himself with everyone's common cents..lol
Well, I guess I overshot my estimate. Now this place feels more like home! Good to see you made it! Will and I will be meeting up in Ketchikan along with my friend Rex in mid/late May to hunt Prince of Whales Island for black bear. I've yet to kill one but every one that comes with me has managed it so Will's in good position for his coastal black bear. I seem to be more of a brown bear magnet... maybe this will be the year for us both though since POW doesn't have brown bears. It's usually a spot and stalk along the shoreline and meadows but with three of us bowhunting calling them in is going to be FUN!!!
Calling them in Rob? Well that's a relief! I was getting suspicious when you asked me to bring ten gallons of honey in my backpack for flapjacks. Oh this is going to be fun!
Yep, those are gonna be some yummy pancakes since Rex'll be packing 10#'s of molasses!!! And before you ask... no! I don't know how that hole got in your pack!
Like others have said Will, I truly enjoy your views and admire your dedication. Welcome to the group!
Thanks Dan, I appreciate your comment. I will continue to do my best and will contribute whenever possible. Again, I really feel I am among brothers!