Come on guys I wanna know if Bols can actually kill something with his bow. I think he is still a virgin on big game. We need some kill pics.
I worked on my "bump em and dump em" tecnique this evening. When I arrived at the stand there were hogs under the feeder. I had my bow in a sling over my shoulder. I carefully got the bow out and an arrow nocked and a solid blonde pig busted me...but the others didn't spook. As I was just about to draw, the aforementioned blonde winded me and bolted, taking the others with it. After standing motionless for about 5 minutes I climbed into the stand. Around 6:15 I heard pigs coming in from behind me and to my left. 6 pigs materialized through the brush and headed for the feeder. I had already ranged the yardage right at 19. I draw on a tri colored and anchored. He was slightly quartering to but I knew I could slide the arrow down the neck into the vitals. I release and hit exactly where I wanted to. The pig bolted to my right and stood there and I could easily see the exit hole in a perfect location, right on the shoulder. I briefly thought of releasing another arrow but said hog wasn't looking too good and, with other pigs around I thought I may get to shoot another one. After a couple minutes they all ran, except the one I shot. He just trotted off. After about 10 minutes I climbed down to look at the arrow. It is covered in bright red blood and I decided to wait for Dustin, Scott and Dave. I have always heard that hogs don't leave very good blood trails due to their hair, but this one left a ridiculous trail that was incredibly easy to follow. But alas, after about 200 yards we lost blood and since the silly thing ran into the thickest, nastiest stuff I've ever seen in my life, we decided to wait till tomorrow morning. I'm a little disheartened, but Dustin is confident we will find it in the morning during the daylight. So stay tuned and hopefully we'll have pics of mine, and hopefully a couple of others for ya'll tomorrow afternoon. So far, I'm the only one that's seen any but it's obvious there are many, many hogs around so I think that will change.
Mo it will all workout this morning. Tell Dust thanks for the text and I am looking forward to a positive one this morning. T
Good luck out there finding that pig. Hope the rest of you produce, if not, I'd say it's gonna be a long ride back w/Mo.