Ive been really slacking in the fishing department since may or so, but im gonna start getting back on the lake soon. Summers been to crazy to get on any patterns.
Thats some fine eating there, Rory. A couple more from the last few days... My daughter with a big largemouth. Team effort. I hooked, she reeled in. My Mom with a huge smallie. My brother and I took my daugher on her first float trip yesterday. On the water for about 7 hours and she did great. We got out to play in the water a few times and I think that helped. She got to reel in a dozen or so decent river smallies. Pics are still on the camera. This is the only one I downloaded so far.
Did you weigh that fish your mom is holding Vito? Unless your Mom is like 3'11"..........thats a giant smallie.
Haha...she's not a big lady at about 5' 1" and 115 lbs, but the smallie was just over 6 lbs on a digital scale my brother keeps in his boat. I'm not sure how accurate it is.
That is one nice small mouth your mother caught. How long was it? Looks to be over 20 approaching humongous. LOL As they say, it looks like a small mouth only bigger.
Some more photos from my daugher's first official float trip. 7 hours on the water. She was a trooper. My brother and I hooked all the fish and gave her the option of reeling them in. She also wanted to net a few. Kids love to net fish. Beautiful day for a smallie trip. Here she is awaiting to set sail on her first float. On the board! Not bad, but we knew we could find bigger. And we did. Then it was time to net a few. Get ready... Missed... Almost got it... In the bag! Netting was fun, but back to catching. Don't drop it! There we go. Now send it home. We took a break every hour or two. The kid loved the river. Thats my girl. Can't go fishing without her lucky fishing shoes. Maxing and relaxing on the river. While we played, my brother fished. He also caught a few. And the occasional trout. A few more decent bass.
One more good spot to end the day. Fish on, have at it. Pull! Getting closer... Almost there... There we go. Hero shot. Good fish to end it on, so we called it a day.
Vito you Love the pics, I've been out a bounch the last week lots of perch nothing over 12" so no pics for me.
I've only managed to get out mousin' a couple times lately. No big fish landed for us, but we've moved a few and briefly stuck a couple. Plenty of teeners to keep things interesting though. A sampling of photos... A rare rainbow. Teethmarks...the sign of a good night of mousin'.
Caught a couple more last night. Missed a couple better ones. These were both about 14-15 inchers. They hammered the buzzbait though. fish one fish two