This is my first year hunting and I am kinda picking stuff up as I go. I am currently looking at a public ground that has over 500 acres to hunt. Can anyone point me in a direction on where to go. Almost every part of timber has a ditch or valley of some sort in it. Lost Canyon Map.pdf Thanks, Ryan
welcome to bow hunting. If your like me someone hopefully brought you into bow hunting. that same mentor took me out last year and schooled me on where to set up regarding terrain and wind direction. I have my own spots this year with some oversight from him
Welcome to bow hunting. It takes a few seasons to really know what you are doing, so don't get discouraged if you don't harvest a 12 pointer on day two. Just quickly looking at that map, I would think one spot to check is directly below the capitol "M" in Wildlife Management Area and across to the left and slightly above from the "You Are Here" lettering. That spotseems to narrow, as the river pushes in east towards it. Also it looks to be some distance away from a hiking trail, which should minimize foot traffic. GOOD LUCK, and just keep scouting and learning.
They call the area the Creek Bottom. Is there a particular wind direction that would work good for in there? Where do I want deer to come from, up from the creek? Thanks, Ryan
try google earth. down load program and scout away . scout the funnel area first and tree lines between wood lots,downwind side of funnels have always paid off for me at almost anytime of the day. best of luck.