Have permission to hunt the front side inside the rectangle that points A,B,C,D make. It runs from point A crosses to the creek and stops any suggestions? http://mapper.acme.com/?ll=39.71413...39.71420,-76.82210,5.0 mi NE of Manchester MD
Tough to say for sure because theres not a lot of variation in the terrain. Id focus on the creek, and any thickets that lead to the fields.
with a small peice like that i'd look for a trail and sit on it. i see feilds on all sides but what's in them? i'd also look hard at the creek near C and the small open feild there.
I like where the B and C marks are ! The B mark kinda of sits between what appears to be 2 nice funnels. Depending on the wind direction, to the left or right of that mark should be good. The C mark is awesome because it looks to be in the area of some swampy woods and a thick patch on the other side of the stream. Setting up to be able to shoot across the stream(s), looks like you may catch a buck traveling along. Good luck
Thanks Draw, Inbetween B and C coming down the ridge is all wood with rocks at the bottom below B theres cattails and tell grass if memory serves me right then across the creek is more tall grass I looked at both as possible bedding areas the problem is getting down there without spooking anything and finding a good tree.