i have had a trail camera set up on a trail/scrape for about a week and a half now. i got some pictures of does and a few spikes but i have no rack bucks. i know the spikes arent makin the scrapes and the rubs that are in the area. should i just be patient and the bucks are going to eventually come through the area or move my camera to another location? a few days before i put the camera their i know the buck hit one of the scrapes and made another rub. any ideas on what i should do????
Where are you located? Here in Minnesota the bucks are not hitting the scrapes like before. He might have moved to a different part of the property. Good luck getting back on him.
well im located in alabama and we have a late rut and they dont even start rutting hard on my place till around january 15th normally. im thinking he should be hitting the scrape and i have other deer on my place hitting scrapes so im not sure if he just hasnt hit it in a while or what has happened?
Im located in WI and haven't had much going on with scrapes for weeks. I do at times see something has came in and brushed the leaves off but not often. I do however disagree with your statement that does and spikes (younger deer) dont hit scrapes. I have seen scrapes that does and other deer will use them. These are normally called community scrapes. I generally notice them to be bigger and you will notice many different deer hitting these. But... If your rut is that late, then I would recommend getting to your local pro shop and get some Tinks Power Scrape! It works! If there are deer in your area rutting, you will notice them after using. Have had really good luck from beginning of the season through the rut. Good Luck getting back on the deer!