Last I heard, he was travelling abroad in search of the illusive perfect stool for his basement. His criteria are pretty tough, though. He spends so much time on it looking out of his window, wondering if there really are any deer in those woods, that it has to be the perfect size, shape, and have the PERFECT amount of cushion. He's also experimenting with different cushioning materials. He had to report a workman's comp claim on his glutious maximous last fall for extensive bruising.
He turned his frickin text messaging off :huh: Said it costs to much on his Iphone Or so he says anyhow
Hmmm, reminds me of when guys buy a $800.00 bow and try find the cheapest arrows they can buy. Seriously though the guy is likely getting ready for the Spring Farm season.
I'm alive, still have text messages on my iPhone, still hating on the fact of eating Buckeye's fart, and trying to figure out how to plant rice in our patties. :D