Spare bedroom in my house plastic tubs with clothes. Bows hanging in the closet like clothes. looks like a freaking sporting goods store. Guns in the safe in the living room along with the mounted deer heads. Guess who's not married?
Look for the Remington ones. They are the same just different color. Air and water tight gasket and usually around $35 Sent from my iPhone using Forums Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Store my clothes in snap lid type tubs in the basement. Humidity controlled during the summer and heated to 60° F in the winter. Bow hangs on a nail in the joist by the stirrup with an old flannel shirt over it. Small stuff in a locking cabinet on a shelf.
All clothing stays in a large scent lock zipper tote with a giant carbon sheet, bows hang on some drop hooks I installed into two of the upper floor joists most of the year in my "office" most of the year, during season whatever one I decided to use stay in the case in the office.
Used to use lots of plastic bins. Last season I upgraded to a Scent Crusher Closet. I keep most of my gear in that, including my bow and trail cams. My boots and pack I keep in a Scent Crusher Hard tote.
This is what I use from Walmart. Works good and a lot cheaper than most.
Heading to central Ky, and I have three coyotes on camera chasing my deer, what are the best tactics to bring them in.? Sent from my iPad using Forums
Luckily most of my stuff will fit in my walk-in closet; bow, arrows, clothes and the like. Other stuff like blind, chair, decoys are kept in my outdoor shed. Cold during winter but the roof doesn't leak.
Plano Sportsman Trunks that are labeled, stored in my archery and reloading room in the basement. Bows are hanging down there. Lock on the door to protect the grandkids.
I throw some of it on the air hockey table in the basement, some is in the closet, some is in totes, so basically wherever it ends up. I never fell for the scent control storage bin idea. wash them a few times through the season to get the mud off and spray down before entering the woods.
Corner of the pole shed, basement, (working on finishing it) and in this armour! But the wife wants it consolidated, so besides the mounts,it's all going out in the shop. Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk
I have way to many bins.... Two bins for all my boots... Four bins for clothing, from early season to late season. Another bin for out west hunting clothing. Bins Bins Bins. I also have a scent master, which by the way is such a great product but they no longer make it.
I live in South Florida and hunt year round. I keep most my clothes in Rubbermaid containers in my “Florida Room” , which is actually an enclosed back porch. I use what I need for whatever season I’m dealing with. Right now it’s the heavier clothing and jackets and hats for the cold. Those kinda make it into my Tahoe. Soon when these temps stay @ 85+ I’ll wash all the heavy stuff and treat them with Tick repellent from Sawyer and place them in black plastic bags into the Rubbermaid containers. Turkey gear for March. EZ to get. Then I’ll take out the UA Heat gear for the summer, Shannon Bug Suit, gloves etc for summer. They are already stowed with treatment and ready to wear. Soon comes rainy season and I’ll take more rain gear out. In Florida I bed rain gear year round but rainy season I’ll need 3-4 sets because it sux putting on a wet set. I use the water repellent spray and Sawyer Perithium. I’ll wear the summer rain stuff until November or longer, washing as needed because of the sweating. My hunting gear, ATV’s, Buggy’s , treestands, feeders, tools etc I keep in a 8 foot x 40 foot container @ hunting camp. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Trapping is the best way I have found to control the Yotes around here in VA. I am not sure of the laws in KY, but you might be able to trap coyotes year round. If you don't have any traps I recommend MB550's. They are a little pricey, but you don't need to modify them so it evens out on the cash. Good luck getting rid of the Yotes!
I use bins. I'm wanting 2 build a closet tho. I feel like when I hunt it's damp out and I sweat a lot. Base layers get swapped each hunt or 2. Outer layers go in tote if not wet at all. I do keep a container of baking soda in the tote for moisture.