I'm new to the trail cam game. Loving it so far. I only have one camera, had it set on a mineral site for the past month +. Getting lots of pics, mostly does and fawns, and occasional other critters. A few small bucks, spikes, etc. Should I move it to a trail, or just keep it there? I know if I move it to a trail, the number of pics will go way down. Wondering if I should just leave it at the mineral site? The bucks will eventually be following the does and hopefully show up on film. Advice? Thx!
I moved almost every camera I have onto scrapes this past weekend. IMO over the next two weeks you should be able to get a pretty accurate inventory of just about every buck on your property this way. I personally try to find the biggest scrapes in high travel corridors as those tend to get the most traffic to them.
I was out a few days ago scouting, didn't find a single scrape and only 1 small rub. LOL. Which is not uncommon for our property. For some reason every year the scrapes and rubs don't seem to start showing up until Nov. I did make a mock scrape so at least I know there is 1 :D I'll keep my eyes open, and once I see some I'll move it to one of them. I have one logging road that usually ends up with 3-4 on it, but nothing yet. Thanks!
I have them at or near my stand sites this time of year. If I found a spot that had a lot of sign, I would put one there and probably hang a stand with it. Blessings..........Pastorjim
Post em up Tony! I'm digging this camera stuff...like Christmas morning when you pull the pics! I've gotten a coyote, red fox, squirrels, mystery animal (some type of cat), and plenty of deer so far. Only small bucks though. Cool stuff. Can't wait to get more cameras, loving my MP6 so far! Well I went out and moved it early this afternoon. I made a mock scrape at a tree that they usually always have one, though nothing there yet. I'm hopeful they'll start using it soon. Did a little more mid day scouting in an area I haven't been in lately...no scrapes, only 1 more small rub. We have almost NO acorns this year, and 80% of the trees on my land are oaks. Will be interesting to see how the food situation alters their patterns come rut time. Last year at this time I literally couldnt even see the bedliner in my truck due to the massive amount of white oak acorns that fell into it while parked in my driveway.
I just moved one cam to a apple tree that usually has scrapes under it. Addicting hobby for sure. I cant wait till I get to the point of running out of spots to put cameras.
During the summer I have my cameras on mineral stations on the edge of crop fields, I move them once the bucks shed velvet because they do not use them as frequently because they don't need to build up nutrients for rack growth. Now I have my trail cameras on heavly used trails in thick secluded areas that I have had success with in the past. During late season I leave them on trails and occasionally move them back on mineral stations to catch bucks dropping antlers. I would prefer cuddeback as I have had buddies use them and have great results with them. But I am 15 I don't have a job besides working on my farm so I buy the Primos Cameras and I love them for the price and results of these cameras.
I have before but I usually put a 32GB SD Card in my cameras when I do. Just lasts longer but runs down the batteries real quick so I have not placed them over scrapes or rubs this year. During late season I will put them on scrapes to see what bucks are still in my area for next year.