I was admiring the General in it's skb case when I got to thinking. Where do you all carry your accesories? I have a release, string wax, quiver, rangefinder just floating around in my case. During season I usually have a grunt call and gloves in there as well. Just curious what some of you do. I would like everything to be secured somewhere as too not scratch my bow. Did I not learn something that should be blatently obvious?
I have multiple rubbermade containers. 1 for clothes another for accesories, yet another for scents..etc
Yeah I do as well but when you want the few things with you even if your just going to practice shooting I like to have my rangefinder and stuff with me all the time so I dont lose or forget it.
For the small stuff I did this. Buy a small flat container with a snap or clasp lid. Use a sharp razor knife and cut out the padding of your case in the "dead" area..Basically in the brace height area. Cut the area out just big enough so the padding hold it in place. I keep my tips, knife, rangefinder, wax and other odds and ends in that case in a case.
I carry 6 arrows, normally. I tuck cerain items such as extra field tips/broad heads (always in a small case), release, hex set, wax and arrow puller secured in the foam where more arrows could be stored.
all bow stuff (release fastened on bow, wax, broadheads fastened in case) are all in case. the rest goes in my backpack that goes in scentlock containers along with separate ones for my clothes in the back of my truck that has a broken bail of hay in it for added scent elimination.
As far as accessories for my bow, I have none, other things as points, heads and rest material etc... I keep in a tackle box.
My string wax, allen wrenches, broadheads and feild points I have in one of those cheap plastic tackle boxes which is in my bow case. I made a extra set of velcro straps to put my quiver in above where I strp in my bow, and my release goes on my bow. I have my new rangefinder in my backpack along with calls, sents, fase mask, gloves, ect. I also have my old range finder in the truck for when I go shoot with friends.
I have a Lakewood Products Bow Case, you can buy extra cases that fit into the large case to store arrows and accessories. But my release is always clipped to my string,. Don't want to leave without that!! I think Fergus is a rep for these guys. He might be able to hook you up. http://www.lakewoodproducts.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=lakewood&Category_Code=archery
All my essentials that are heading out with me in the woods are kept in my fanny pack... when I get to my parking spot, I simply strap on on my binoculars, slip on my harness and fanny pack, shoulder my stand and grab my bow and start walking. I didn't realize that I had a "system" down pat so good until I took a few guys with me last year... After turning my Jeep off and opening the back hatch, I was ready to start walking probably three minutes later. I sat and waited for no telling how long watching various people fumble around getting ready...
Usually I'll put my release around my bow grip (cause of all the things, I don't want want to forget my release)... Most of the rest of my stuff I store in my backpack....
Greg, you wear all your hunting gear in the vehicle when traveling to your spot(s)? That surprises me. Seems like a good place to pick up a few "odors"?
99% of the time I do... for a couple reasons. One, my Jeep only really gets used for hunting -- ESPECIALLY after Oct. 1. From then until mid-January, the back seats are laid down and it's crammed full of all my gear. Number two... I've had the good fortune of hunting with a very experienced hunter who is unbelievably meticulous when it comes to scent control -- as most of us are. I was set up in a tree about 150 yards away from him a couple years ago and got to watch something pretty neat. A beautiful young 8-pointer was heading to a point that would take him between me and my friend ... upwind of me, and slightly downwind of him. We had a slough between us and I was covering one point and he the other... Well, this deer was just crunch-crunching along without a care in the world -- until he got downwind of my friend. It looked like someone hit him with a 2x4... and he instantly went into super-secret stealth mode. He was 25 yards away, and I didn't hear him take a step after that as as he continued slinking on along. Pretty amazing, really. It's one of those experiences I highly treasure just from a "felt neat to be there and see that sort of thing" experience... But... my takeaway from that, and SEVERAL other experiences, is that you can only do so much and after that, forget it. My buddy had showered in scent-free shampoo, dressed after arrival, stored his clothes in a scent-free bag until our arrival, sprayed himself down with scent-eliminating spray, and donned THE top-of-the-line Scentblocker apparell. He was also wearing Scentblocker boots... the whole nine yards. You COULDN'T have taken any more precautions than he did... his towel was used only for his scent-free showers, and he had just "reactivated" his almost new suit to boot... Bottom line? If a buck gets downwind of you... forget it. You can't do enough to keep it from happening, period. I always keep my boots in the back of my Jeep until I arrive on site... I have a pair of rubber slip-ons I wear while driving in case I ever need to get out on the way for any reason...
Cool Story and what I always believed as well. You can take precautions but nothing is going to work if the right buck or wind current is favoring the deer.
My bow case has a small box for it. It's one of the upright models. I also velcroed a smaller box to the bottom of the case. I have spare parts, and other misc. junk in them.
I toss all my accessories in a field bag and leave them there with a little shot of scent killer...I really keep my bow in it's case, unless I'm traveling and storage.
Backpack. Every August I clean my truck out then spray down the inside with scent killer. I hang a couple earth scent wafers inside of it and I only get into the truck until January. I'll never forget back in 2000 I think it was when I spilled some Doe n Heat scent inside of it and well the wife went in it a week later and well she got what she deserved for going inside it during hunting season. * I no longer use scents BTW *