This reminds me of a spot I hunted on my Uncles property this year. It had swampy stuff like that. I will never forget it. I was sitting in my stand the 1st day ever hunting whitetails and I heard this loud splashing. I turned and had 2 does run through that water. The 1st whitetail deer I ever saw while hunting. I grunted and they stopped and looked around. I was so fascinated by it that I forgot to shoot at one of them before they ran off into the thick trees. haha What a memory!
shed---that is some beautiful terrain you get to hunt. For me our farm is split 50/50 in tillable and wooded acres. This consists of fields up tops with thick wooded hollows running throughout. There is a large block of public land by my house that is nothing timber, steep hills, and bluffs.
With my father in Northest of Brazil Wow, this questions took me back to my childhood memories, with my wonderful father. A 6"5' tall guy with a big beard and big hands, civil engineer by trade, a weekend fisherman and hunter; from crocodile to huge snakes from the wild jungle of amazon and many others around the many states we lived in, and also from local big jungles around the midle west of Brazil. He was crazy enough to take me with him and my two older brothers along. Needless to say, it makes sense why I am here at this time of the night in Alaska, talking to hunters... I remember one night waking up late, around 3am and watching my father fighting a huge crocodile (at least to my little eyes at the time) in the water with his bare hands, untill he had to shoot them after being bit by it. I was maybe 7 years old, just about 2 years before he died. If he were here today in Alaska, especially where I went in Kodiak, life would'd felt perfect. But the good news is that I experienced most of it for the two of us. Good memories then, and then... Good night eveeryone! Thanks for bringing me such great memories of how beautiful it is the male nature and spirit of adventure and how wonderful a man can be in a child's life, no matter how old she gets...
I'm pretty fortunate to live in and hunt an area that offers a lot of different terrain/cover. From the big Missouri River bottoms, to the bluffs overlooking them, to the rolling crop fields, we've got a little bit of everything here and I really love to hunt it all!