I just started shooting a recurve a month ago. It has an old string on it and I woud like to swap it out. Please bare with me as I explain what is written on the riser of my bow. I have no idea what I am doing with ordering a string for the recurve. draw length=28 inches (would actually like to increase this an inch, but I have to work with what I have) draw weight=55# AMO=60
What this means is at a 28" draw you will be pulling back 55#. You can't increase the draw on a recurve from what I know. You can pull it beyond 28", but you will in turn be pulling back more then 55#. As far as a new string is concerned you can order one from 3Rivers Archery, Lancaster Archery or numerous custom makers on line. When you order, order two right away so you have a back-up. Unless you know for sure your recurve was built to handle Fast Flight material do not get it. Stick with B-50 material. Just give the people you are ordering from the make of your bow and the information you listed above and you will be set.
Russ has a string jig , send Kanga a PM with your size and he may be able to help out ..... as long as you like yellow/green strings = cool
Wow Rob, that is very nice of you. I hope to catch up with you next Tuesday to do some shooting. Brett
I have strings laying around all over, 50" up to 68". I'll start looking for a string for a 60" bow. You'll need Dacron B-50. Oh, it will be a flemish twist string.