Growing up, there was noel feather, Bob fratske, miles Keller, wensel brothers,. Don't hear about them anyore. Still alive and hunting?
Noel Feather got busted for a few game violations and that about ended his career. I believe he's still out there hunting as I've heard of a few folks bumping into him but he keeps a pretty low profile from what I understand. Miles Keller unfortunately got drunk and killed a young kid while driving. He may or may not still be in jail. The Wensels are still hard at it so far as I know. Their website is Not sure about Fratzke. My old man had one of his Winona Knit jackets that he hunted in for probably a decade or more when I was a kid.
I love the Wensel brothers. They shoot some monsters. Did the one with the sideways ball cap die? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Bob Fratzke. is still taking big bucks in Winona Mn. He sold Winona Camo and it is now called the knit tree. They honored Bob in 2016. I enjoyed many of his articles in magazines when I was a kid. They still make the camo clothes that Bob originated.