.. do you even notice your arrow?? I don't, I concentrate on my spot and have no idea my arrow is even there. I pause for a second and release! I 'm guessing if you use your arrow for a reference this would be considered gap shooting?
Thats funny ****! I was trying to follow along with some one the point on distances thread, I was like you, lost! Still don't know even what it is???
In that case I wont even go into string walking:d But to your original question. I just burn a hole in where I want the arrow to hit
Thanks for sparing me Russ! Actually, I really DON"T want to know about either, sounds like something else to worry about and take the fun out of it! ! .
If you don't notice your arrow at all try this little game I like to play. Set up a good size backstop. Then at night or in the dark shoot at a candle. It might be a real eye opener. :d Tip; set the candle more than an arrow length in front of the backstop. You don't want to burn a shaft or feathers that might get close to the flame but not snuff it. This is great fun with a group of shooters. :evil: If you try this let me know the results.
VA, I do shoot a lot at night but not with a candle. My target is in the light but where I shoot from off the balcony I'm in the dark. It took me a while to get used to peacticing like this but I believe it has helped my shooting tremendously!
I do notice my arrow, but I don't really call it gap shooting. I can't use it for reference, but I do see it in my periphrial.
That's pretty much the same thing. Challenging isn't it? Push the limits my friend. Try the candle shoot with friends, it makes good competition. It really pisses off the compound shooters that can't see through their peep sights well.