Being honest I would say more often then not I hope. Certainly more often then I'd like anyways. I have great stands that have produced for years and I also have what I think SHOULD be great stands but they don't produce jack squat!!! What I wonder sometimes is if there really is any such thing as a great stand?? I'm willing to bet some very nice bucks have strolled by what I consider to be a crappy stand. Obviously the only way a stand becomes great is if there is a hunter in it but I just can't grind my arse into leather hour after hour and day after day staring at the same trees. Maybe I should. I don't care what weapon I kill a deer with, I don't care how the hunt plays out..........but I will always have fond memories of deer I killed when I used my head to get myself into a certain place at a certain time for a certain reason. In fact, I wish it happened more then just grinding out hours/days/weeks/months..........I am pleased I have the willpower to do that if I choose but I prefer the hunt smarter, not harder/longer approach. I don't just pick a random straight tree and hope Lady Luck is on my side that day but I always feel like I could/should be doing more to stack the deck in my favor.
Never expect, especially with whitetails. I always hope something's going to happen though. I think if I expected something to go a certain way it would take some of the fun out of it. jmo
Hope is the word of the day when I go out to any of my stands. Too many variables to use the expectation word, especially when you think of getting a target deer in front of you in the right situation during the time you are in that stand.
I expect something to happen. it helps keep my confidence up. I guess it goes back to my wrestling days. we were told by the coach when we walked out on the mat you expect to win. we never hoped we would win. hoping leaves room for doubt and your adversary will see that weakness and take advantage of it.
I expect things to happen as I plan. It takes quite a bit of planning and time to figure out the patterns of a single mature buck to try and kill him. If I'm going after a certain buck then I expect him to keep on the same patterns that I have seen him use. With the deer that I am hunting, these are patterns that are from multiple years, not just a couple months. That is why I pay close attention to 2.5 and 3.5 year old bucks. More often than not, they are still using the same patterns at 4.5 as they did when they were younger, just in a tighter area.
I expect to see multiple deer, I don't hunt until I can expect a buck to be in pursuit of the does I expect to see. I get a little pissed if all I see are does.
Personally I expect to have a good time and hope that it goes better than I expected. I enjoy being in the woods regardless if I see a deer or not. Yes, I'm out there to deer hunt but some of the things you get to see in Mother Nature are truly awesome!!
There are plenty of times I expect stuff to happen and in fact am let down when it doesn't. That doesn't mean I know a 140" 10 pt will walk down a path at 10 am..........but for sure I have numerous stands where I can tell you groups of does will start passing by between 8-9 am. On the days I choose to sit there I EXPECT to see the does but I HOPE to see a buck on their tails. If I don't see the does I know something is messed up that I probably should have known better not to be there. If no buck shows up I just chalk it up to hunting and make sure the does don't bust me.
I like that question, being so new to hunting its hard for me to "expect". I like what tc said though. As a wrestling coach I definitely understand that confidence goes a long way, even if it is just helping stay focused in the cold. I'm trying to progress as a hunter where on certain days with the wind blowing x I pick a tree Z and say "ok this should be a good spot to see/ not get blown" I guess Im trying to work my way into expecting.
I love being out there. I expect to see things and hope that things exceed my expectations. I love it when a plan comes together and especially when the animals follow the script.
I guess it comes down to what you are looking for. If you just want to see deer or have an opportunity at any deer you could go in with that thought. But it is called hunting for a reason so I never go in with that mindset. The best we can expect is to do our home work and have a great plan put together and hope a mature buck decides to walk past that stand at that time.
I'm just happy when I see deer. So I hope I see deer. That happens about 50% of the time. I don't get trailcam pics of bucks very often so I don't have a target buck or a list of ones I'd shoot.
I usually hope that some deer come by and hope that I can get a shot. I learned a while ago that if you expect something to happen and nothing happens it really messes with your confidence.
one time my buddy and I parted in the woods and he said before leaving "well hope we see something tonight". I instantly thought he was doubting his chances. if there is doubt then that makes for a long sit. and doubt will always lead to boredom and you will not be paying attention when mr. big shows up. expecting to see your prey keeps you focused and alert. I constantly keep telling myself on stand "anytime now!" I will tell my self that all day just to keep myself ready so I don't blow my chance when he shows up. and we all know you don't get much time to get a shot. interesting thread to say the least.
I EXPECT that the deer I THINK I have patterned will do the complete opposite of what I HOPED they would do.
I hope it all goes as planned, but I've come to the conclusion that I choose to hunt a particular stand because I expect something will happen. As we all know, nothing is written in stone when it comes to bowhunting. But, I put my time in, scout and work hard all year long to get my stand sites ready and where they need to be. Of course if it doesn't happen, I fully realize that its hunting and is part of the fun of it. Having a plan come together perfectly happens so rarely when hunting.
I EXPECT. Obviously, I am wrong more than I am right, but I am blessed with lots of land to hunt on 5 different properties and use trail cameras extensively. I hunt where the big deer are making their presence known in conjunction with the wind direction for the day. Prior to trail cameras, it was more of a hope mentality. It was a lot less work back then and just as much fun with more anticipation of the unknown, but having said that, I will continue to use trail cameras as I can't help but try and use the tools available to increase my odds at a mature buck. Almost ironic in a sense.