When do you guys usually start your mineral licks? Does this time correlate to when the bucks start growing their antlers?
I put out a couple of trace mineral salt blocks on saturday March 14th. I'll likely put out a couple more this weekend.
I will agree w/ year round. They will: 1. be very accustomed to using the sites. 2. Will have a year round access to minerals when forage quality dwindles,(its lower quality more days of the year than higher quality) 3. Provide a great place for trail cams to keep tabs on the deer year round. Good luck w/ em Siman.
Went out today and made one with the recipe GMMAT had on here. I didn't use th full 200 pounds but I did use half and if it goes well I will put more out come summer.
I put mine out about 3 weeks ago. 1 new one, freshened an existing one. Caleb--Im using the buck jam we talked about along with a home brew mix and leftover deer cane. They are already hitting it pretty good. Thanks again for the info about that stuff, they like it.
I have protein blocks out year round outside of 30 days before deer and turkey seasons and during the respective seasons. So basically from the middle of january until now and then from the end of May until September. The most important time IMO is the May/ September stretch. (Antler growing/fawning)
Ben, your forgetting about fawn incubation times. Fawns benefit from the mineral/protein blocks/licks while in the does womb. The fawn comes out stronger etc.. Bucks need the minerals/protein the most post rut when their deficient of alot of things. Like was mentioned, year around and no bad time to start but it is a little late so don't hesitate.
True dat! All, anyone see the article where the deer around a military shooting range had bullets in their stomachs. I believe it said something about the iron/lead or other minerals present in the spent rounds.
Here in idaho its amazing where "cattle" licks get placed in the mountains.. beings they are illegal to hunt over.. but with open range being a big part of our public lands, no one really complains nor enforces the salt lick issue...
Are there any types of mineral blocks you guys prefer, i have been wanting to start some, just wanted some tips.
Ive always just used trace mineral blocks and poured some kind of attractant on them to get it started.
x2. When I am starting a new lick, I'll first throw out corn or something in the spot to get the deer used to and comfortable with the spot, then buy some cheap minerals or a regular salt block and pour Stump Licker or something of the sort to get it rollin, then I'll bring in the minerals!