So you got the stand placement, you know a couple nice bucks are in the area, when do you hunt it for the 1st time? This stand was set in August. It's in the thick overgrown lowlands of a local farm. There are 2 other people that can hunt the land, BUT there is no way they venture to where this stand is!! I'd bet on it! The may hunt agriculture field edges but even that is doubtful as a doe and her 2 fawns are in the field every night. To the south is 60+ acres of standing the west is dried up brown, soy..that the doe and her fawns have been in for months! ( including tonight via binocs) The stand is in the back back portion of the land in a nasty overgrown...beaver swamp area. I'm trying to hold out till the late of October, am I being over cautious?
PS>>>there is no way I take a doe on this is a buck stand only..the doe were just referenced to indicate pressure or lack of...