I figure about now should be the time. The only problem is that there is about 1-2' of snow on the ground. It would be kind of tough finding sheds, I would think. Can you wait till say, late Feg. or is that too late? Thought that would kinda cool to get my kid out for that and maybe actually find one. What would be the ideal places to look for sheds. I've heard like fences and crossing that they might bump their antlers against?
You can check some out in the open spots but I would wait a little longer to dive into the bedding areas because you don't want to push the bucks out of the area that haven't shed yet.. Walt
Here you go Hank: http://forums.bowhunting.com/yaf_postst1748_Might-give-it-a-whack.aspx L Duko can help you out for sure.
Think about it this way, it hasn't snowed recently, you can easily follow tracks and the antlers will be on top of the snow. If it snows a lot next week they'll be buried. Also believe it or not antlers really stick out on top of the snow, they really aren't white you know!
Hank, we still need to get out to Fennimore... There is a lot of ground to cover there and it is a good time for you to check out some spots to hunt.