It supposed to be a high of 7 degrees on Mon. I planned on going out in a tree stand, but damn that's cold. Don't last long out in that. By tomorrow evening it'll be around 0, not including wind chill. I'm sure the deer have to eat, but do they eat during the height of the warmth of the day? or do they keep to their routines? Mon is probably the last time that I may get to bow hunt. The second gun season opens on 24th.
I was going to go out this morning as well, but I realized last night that I left my scent killer soap, shampoo, and deodorant at school. I'll get some today and head out tonight. I figured it was warm enough to hunt deer, but not warm enough for deer to hunt me.
Dan & I are headed to SK here this weekend to hunt. Looking at the weather up there right now, it's -33 without windchill I do hope it warms up a bit though, between now and then.
I'm going to need a dang good reason to head out with a bow if its going to be below 0. Single digits & no wind, I could probably handle. Below that I'm staying in bed, I hunt for fun and that isn't fun to me.
X2...I've never been a big fan of still hunting in the cold. I love being out all times during the year, but I need to be moving. This time of year, I would just be out walking, but never on stand. I get cold very quickly. I think I need to get some fat on me
Nice Dano! Congrats to your buddy on the late season Wisconsin buck. I was out today.. shed hunting though. A balmy 5 degrees with a -15 windchill. A short 2 mile hike with only my tennis shoes in 14" of snow! I'm an idiot.. I forgot my boots.. but it didn't stop me.:d
im gonna try and keep hunting till the 15th!!!! cold or not, i'll be kicking myself till next bow season WONDERING.
I've got till mid-January so I'm waiting until probably Monday to go out again. Temps should be in 30's they say. 10-15 degrees high is all I can me a wimp.