I had taken some PTO and was hunting 10/24 / 10/27 and the weather was HORRIBLE it was hot! the days it wasn't hot I had bad winds one morning thunder stormed so bad it was actually frightening, needless to say my hunt wasn't very good, only saw 1 small doe. She was within 10 yards for a significant amount of time, but I wasn't going to shoot her. 2 days after my hunt ended deer really started moving even in the warm weather, we got 1 decent buck on camera and 2 of my "neighbors" (read within a couple miles) each took decent bucks When did the bucks in your area start moving? I hunt NW Missouri and looks the 29th/30th things got moving here is my target buck not the worlds biggest deer but he is good looking and on his feet during shooting hours, I'll be back in the woods Friday night
Hung a new set this morning and had 2 decent buck cruising through while I'm hanging off the tree lol. its picking up now
Pitman, yea it kind of does look fake, fur looks perfect and not all screwed up from fighting yet. This camera location is great, I get a lot of pictures that I think look really nice from it. These deer are moving mostly northish and are walking uphill out of an old wash out. here are some pics from last year, the same camera
The original post pic looks like someone would shoot him spotlighting and a game warden would pop out from behind some bushes.. "can I have a word with you sir?" lol