Yea you really have to nail down their destination and close the distance on the bedding. Not too close not too far its a chess match.
Spring fwd if it passes the house and whoever is President signs it with Bidens signature. Trump said send it to him during his term, can't remember if it was with the majority or without it. A damn shame something so simplistic and meant for an outdated reason is politically charged/motivated. Hell, farm equipment these days are GPS driven, who needs light to harvest?
Burn out is real. Hunting mornings and evenings for a long stretch is tough.(out of a stand). A mobile hunter, it's easier. I don't have an answer as I've done it both ways. Worst part of skipping anyday between nov1_15th is the "what am I missing" mind game. I can't concentrate on really much of anything else that 2 magic weeks.
I'm not so much mobile as in tearing down sets amd packing on my back, but I can switch between 3-4 permanent stands in a day. So I still consider that mobile. To add to your skipping a day or two, it is also same day location change and still slow, questioning whether you moved too soon or too late
**** you’re right, it’s just the senate but not house or president… so I was wrong, the Biden regime actually still has no accomplishments to date. Sorry for the fake news. It would stay sprung I think if I remember correctly it would automatically make it permanently summer time for the states that already use daylight saving time (I think are a few that don’t) unless that state explicitly chooses to do something different. I’m actually going from memory on that and clearly mine ain’t perfect so that could very well be wrong. Probably is because this current regime is not a big fan of states rights so it doesn’t make much sense that they would defer to the states. In fact none of our rulers up in dc have given much of a **** about states rights in my lifetime. Well other than Rand Paul. He seems to care about states rights but he got in a fight over leaves and grass clippings and lost, so I wouldn’t count on him too much to win a fight over constitutional rights. Maybe best to look it up yourself instead of trusting me (aka a stranger on the internet). It’s called the sunshine protection act. As a side note, The “look it up and read it yourself” is also good advice for anything you hear on the mainstream news, regardless of source. They all lie to serve their own interests.
There was one year, before I "retired" where I had enough vacation time accumulated to take the entire month of November off. I did it once, I'd never do it again! It's about an hour and 15 minute drive to my spot and doing that every morning got old fast. Now, I try to really hit it hard between Nov. 8th-20th. Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
Before I retired I had enough vacation time to take the last 2 weeks of October off and the whole month of November. 6 weeks. I did it for years and loved every minute of it. I was doing something I loved. Occasionally, I would get close to burned out and would take a couple days off to do some things around the house. However, when the deer were active and I thought I was close to getting what I wanted, I kept going. I do not regret hunting that hard at all.
Cellular cameras make that “what am I missing” thought process so much worse because occasionally they confirm your exact fear. I’ve had times when I am literally sitting there like a half an hour before sunset and thinking “dang I really should’ve gone out there, there’s probably a nice buck about to walk by my stand” and then my phone will ding and its a photo confirming that there actually is a nice buck and it’s heading straight for my stand.
I usually make a 4-5 day weekend out of whatever weekend falls closest to Veteran's Day and then same thing over Thanksgiving Weekend. Just mornings or evenings the rest of the season. Usually get out at least every other weekend mid-October - mid December. That may change this year as my oldest is going to go out for the 6th grade football team.
Also think I'm going to try for a bobcat permit this year, $10 total if successful $5 to apply. Odds aren't very good, application totals have gone up every year for 1000 permits issued. Was 6300 apps last year. 16% chance statewide but not sure how many permits and applications in my region so odds could be better or worse depending. I want to try trapping one though for a clean mount.
I had 4 different encounters last season where i could have killed with bow. All in areas with obvious decline in turkey and deer numbers. They need to open one season for one year and collect data.
I'll take 9 days off/vac. starting the end of Oct, starting right before Halloween, then the 2nd 9day vac is the week that is BEFORE our gun season opener .... 2nd the Veterans day hunts, one of the best times to be out, weather permitting ...
Vacation time is discouraged in the fall where I work. But, the first three weeks in October seem to be the very best time to see bucks during daylight hours.