What's your prediction for this upcoming season? I've been reading on past harvest results trying to make heads and tails. We had the CWD a few years ago and last year it was apparent as well. So, I feel there is going to be a rebound, but not sure what to expect. What do you think?
I think I am shooting a buck and at least one doe. I don't care if there is only one buck and one doe left in the state.
No doubt I'll get my tags this year...but how do you feel on the quality and population of the heard? Do you think it will be better than the years past?
I've seen more deer and deer in places I've never seen them before... not sure what that means, but I don't think it can be too bad. :D
Bowtech We had the EHD in southern Indiana in my area BAD, Two years ago. It was the worst season i had ever had. Last year. post EHD Was for some reason the best season i believe i have ever had, And i dont know why. I seen more bucks last year than ever before and passed on some nice ones to, that i felt would be slammers this year. I even seen some dandys last year but just needed a little closer. SO, IMO I think this year is gonna be excellent.
More rain this summer than I can ever remember.. our bucks are doing great with tons of feed in these mountains and valleys, could be a steller year, my shedding really opened up my eyes to some new areas and my trail cams are giving me a lot of faith in the spots I chose. I am on cloud 9 right now about this upcoming 2009 season. 15 days and I will be hunting farmland south of me that I wanted to hunt last year but couldnt due to my ma gettin sick, all that is much better and I cant wait to hunt that new farmland the first week of archery, then its back here at home from sept 6 till I go to Iowa in Nov.. I dont think I have been any more optomistic about a whitetail bow season in my life.
This year should be Pretty Good here. We have had allot of rain this spring and it doesnt seem to want to stop and from what Im seeing the fawn numbers are way down this year. Thats not good
It will be interesting to see how Wisconsin does this year after a huge decline in the # of kills...Im seeing plenty of deer where I hunt, but nothing like it use to be...Also, seeing a lot of lone does with no fawns.
We've had antler restrictions in the county I hunt in for several years now and that has been very good for the herd. More and better bucks are being taken each year. This year rain was plentiful in NE Texas and I think harvest numbers will be up.
Predictions... I feel the same way you guys do, I think it's going to be a great season. As many of you may recall, back in January, Kentucky was struck with one of the worst ice storms in the past 15 years. Thousands of acres of mature trees were snapped off at the canopy and destroyed many acres. This did two things...1. It changed the make-up of deer travel and bedding areas. 2. With the majority of the crop mast such as acrons etc. were dropped and covered the forest floor with food for the winter. Now the summer came and KY has had plenty of rain, which will help sprout new foliage to aid in deer growth. I must say, I'm more excited than I have ever been about this season. 23 more days!!!!!
I believe this year is going to be awesome, we have been seeing more bucks then ever before and most does that we have been seeing have at least if not more then one fawn with them.
Mature big racked bucks sightings way down.... Mature screwed up racked bucks sightings way up.... We'll see how she plays out though.
i'm going to have a great season no matter what. Yes even if i don't kill a deer i will have a great deer season thats my prediction!!!!!!!!!!!
This is going to be the best all-around season for big bucks that we have seen in MANY MANY years. It's the fifty year storm!
I predict that I will put at least 2 Pope and Young bucks on the ground, 5 or 6 does, and my Girlfriend will get one Pope and Young and a nice doe. Lord willing and the creek doesn't rise.
going to hit the woods hard and hunt smart - take some does and if can get on the right buck acorn crop so far has been disappointing on the land I have access but 70% of it is pine anyways so always a challange