for Recurve and Longbow shooters , what is the weight of your finished Hunting arrow ( feathered , insert and broadhead ) ??? Please also include your draw length and draw weight and arrow type and arrow length
This year will be a r/d longbow 68# @ 28". I draw 30". My hunting arrows are 645 grain. Super slam xx75
Draw length 27.75"...Arrow length 28.25"...Bow wgt.-50#-56#(various bows)...Arrow wgt.-480gr-530gr(depending on bow). Arrows are Easton aluminum's all with 125gr heads
Draw weight 53#-54# Draw length 27" Arrows are Easton Gamegetter 400's Arrow Length 28 1/2" Inserts 125grn Outback Supreme and German Kinetics 125grn 3 x 5" shield cut feathers Total weight 585grn