Woodhaven diaphragms are the calls that I use every year. Hands down the best that I have used. Each call can do everything but you have to find the pitch that you like. That is the only downside. Too many calls to try!
I carry a couple box calls, a couple slates, and a bunch of mouth calls. I love old-raspy-hen mouth calls, but you never know when you'll need something else to get them fired up.
I like my basic diaphragm call. I got 3 different ones just to give me different pitches. My last turkey I called in and got with the shotgun was just using my mouth.
My personal favorite is a slate call I made last year. As for what kind of calls,I prefer a wingbone or tube call however they are harder to use and therefore most of the time I just use a slate.
I use hank's custom calls, slate and glass. Also been working with cramer's custom calls trying to learn to use a mouth call, dont know if ill ever get the hang of it.