I've owned pse evolve 31, diamond (can't remember the model), elite hunter, creed, and creed xs which I am currently shooting. I've liked all the bows I've shot but I'm not sure I've found a favorite, perhaps the creed xs because of the draw cycle but I'm always looking to try new bows. I think the best bow I have shot was the bowtech realm ss, but if I would have bought it I probably would have been castrated in my sleep.
My 2006 BowTech Old Glory was by far my favorite. I have had plenty of great bows since and currently love my Mathews V3 31....but I would trade it straight up for a 06 OG in mint condition.
You guys may laugh. But, you asked. My PSE Carroll Intruder. Shot more deer with it than any bow I've owned. Sold it to a BIL in a moment of weakness. Thought it was a mistake. Proved me wrong. He shot more critters with it than I did. It's on his wall under a number of mounts. And no, he won't sell it back to me. Never liked him anyway. Lol.
Used to be my 2006 Allegiance(now my back up), now it is my 2018/'19 Ritual 33 ... that may change when and if I get a 'new bow' ... as it is right now, there is nothing I see for 2022 that can do what the Ritual does, esp. at the prices the new bows are at ... I'll wait to see if Elite comes out with a longer A-A version of the EnVision or if Bowtech can pull their head out of their ass after the fluster cluck with the SR350 ..
My current bow, the Vertix, is my favorite. Next behind that is my old Switchback XT. Still have it, and am not getting rid of it!!
Fun thread. Justin, I too had an Allegiance back in the day and it was probably my favorite up until I bought a Bowtech Experience. That thing was just a plain ol shooter and killer for me. I still regret selling it. I had a Mathews No Cam that was a sweetheart of a bow too, it was just slow as all get out in comparison for the time. Honestly, the bow I'm shooting now, Bowtech Revolt X, takes the best of everything and puts it into one bow. It was love at first shot on this one. Easy to draw, plenty of speed and very quiet and vibe free. The kicker for me is it fits me very well and I shoot it better than anything I've owned to date. This one might make the list of permanent keepers... lol.
back in the day, I had 2 GE Formulas's, one in all white for indoor/3D and a camo for hunting... blew the white one(s) up TWICE right at the grip shooting 3D, damn magnesium risers couldnt handle the stress, 'prolly had 5/6 GE's thru the years they were in business .. ..
I have literally never, ever heard anyone say a bad word about a Switchback. If I had to guess, more people think it's their favorite bow ever than any other model.
Martin Speedfire Superlight. must have been around year 1999 or early 2000s can't quite remember. getting old. My Jennings Gale Force was a sweet bow in the day but always wanted to shoot the Jennings Carbon Express XLRS
#1 would have to be a ‘96 Hoyt Deviator Carbonit w/ Command cams. The 2020 Axius Ultra I’m shooting now is a very close second, more like 1.1, followed by the Double XL.
Lol let me introduce myself !! Lol I have one and it is garbage !! Sits on a shelf as a conversation piece!! If you like your arrow slammed against the riser and yoke tune till your eye balls fall out by multiple people then a switchback is for you !! And still have a tail left tear !! I literally give it to people because they think they can tune it !!
there's always one! Personally I never had one, just everyone always raved about them and cried about the one that got away.
I have 2 favorites, 1) My 2005 Bowtech Allegiance - still have hanging downstairs - 2) My Elite Kure - Currently my primary bow.