Heli-M for sure. I wish I would have kept mine. My v3 now is close 2nd. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
"Hitch" In my Top 3 of All the BHOD episodes. I probably have watched it 50 times. You mention in the episode how much you love that bow. The Z7 Series was an Awesome line of Mathews bows.
My favorite bow of all times comes down between the Mathews Drenalin, Mathews Z7 Magnum and the Mathews Vertix. I am partial towards the Drenalin because it is the first new Mathews bow I ever bought. I killed more deer with that bow than any other bow I have owned, I loved the Z7 Magnum because it was fun to shoot and fast as lightning. The winner for me is the Mathews Vertix. (My current bow) It is the culmination of the 2 bows above and I shoot this bow better at longer distances than any other bow I have owned, First bow I have ever had that the field points and fixed blades fly exactly the same.
I’d have to say 100% my halon 6…sold last year for Christmas present..still gonna be my all time favorite bow I just know it. Bought a cheap PSE prodigy this year for a couple hundred bucks and seem to like it and shoot it well. But nothing has ever touch my halon. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I loved my Halons as well. Xpedition MX-16 is very similar to the Halon32, if you ever get a chance to shoot one
I’ll have to check them out in the future man. I’ve heard good things about them! Thanks! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
My 2011 Diamond Iceman FLX which I still use till this day. I had a Limb Saver bow blow up on me. Greg Staggs came to the rescue and sold me the Iceman brand new. I do miss my Hoyt magntec as well.
This is still my go to bow - It's one that I put together myself 9 or 10 years ago. I'm really trying to like my new Traverse but I'm still struggling with the feel of the grip and hand position
My 2012 Bear Carnage still gets the job done, and it's a fine bow to shoot. It's by far my favorite bow I've owned. During my 35+ years of bowhunting, I've had a few!
My Bear TD has seen steady use since I bought it. My favorite for sentimental is my Bear Kodiak Hunter which just got out performed by the TD in every way. I also retired it after shooting a milestone deer and decided to just persevere it. It may see some use here and there. But the TD is my hunting bow and takes the hits. The mathews DXT was one heck of a bow before I crossed to the dark side. I was always curious of owning XLR8 back when i shot compound. But happy I got to start traditional when I did.
me? My Hoyt Razortec. Haven't been retired as of yet. Still shoots great, like the 1st day i purchased. If i was to update with a newer bow, this still would be in my arsenal to shoot.
I am still rocking the Heli-M as well. I have heard the same, lot of peeps do not favor the bow. I just thought the were like beer snobs but only with bows. It still gets it done. Going to most likely buy something new this year. Likely either be a Prime or Elite unless I see or hear something new for 2022 that steers me in a different direction.
I'm still amazed at the amount of people who love that Heli-M. I hated mine and couldn't get rid of it quick enough. I got a Monster Chill immediately after that and would take that bow 100 out of 100 times over the Heli-M.
Honestly, I amazingly have to say my current Elite Energy 32, bought it second hand even and is now going on what 7 years old (2014 model). I've fallen in love with Elite's draw cycle personally. *Which honorable mention to the Elite Hunter, easily my favorite and smoothest draw experience I've EVER had in a bowshop. Many bows are deader in hand on shot and much better during shot (V3 is incredible) but that Hunter drew like a warm butter knife slicing a piece of butter off the stick.
Started hunting with a PSE lightning or something like that. Loved that bow because I didn't know any better. Killed my first wall hanger with that bow on the ground walking into my stand. Then went to the hoyt xt200 I believe. I think it was the first bow hoyt made with the "handle" built into the riser. It least that's what I thought that was when I was 13 years old when I got it. Switched to a high country sidewinder next. Liked that bow but had all kinds of problems with it. Had it explode in a bow press at gander mountain one season and ended up hunting a season with one of their loaner bows. I thin kit was brander by gander mountain but made by bowtech. Nice bow. Then went back to hoyt with the Vector 32. Love that bow and haven't had anything pull me off of it yet, but would like to go carbon sometime in the near future.