Now with the new General I have to decide which bow I want to keep as a back up. Tough decision for me. Either a Bowtech Tribute or a Bowtech Patriot. I certainly don't need 3 and being a little sentimental they both have been great bows and have dropped P&Y deer. Was just curious on what some of you have if at all for back up bows. Strictly hunting.
My primary hunting bow is a #70 Ally. My backup is a #60 Ally. Both 07's. After a cracked limb a couple years ago before a big elk hunt,(not a bowtech) I will never be without a backup. I also have 2 trad bows, but they are more for when I am in the mood to use them rather than "backups".
I have an old Bear Whitetail Master I used for years. I can pick up that bow and shoot with confidence right out of the gate. Nothing special, but effective.
As of right now, I've got an 07' Allegiance that is my primary hunting bow. I also have an 08' Constitution that I could setup for hunting, it's my target bow but it is camo. I would have no issue setting it up for hunting, it just wouldn't be great out of a blind due to length. I'd like to get my hands on a Sentinel before hunting season, not sure which will end up as my primary hunting bow.
I honestly have no back up...I guess my 55# bowfishing bow could pretty easily be converted to hunt with in one afternoon though. But hey, I shoot a Hoyt, what do I have to worry about? :d
My backup is now another equalizer. K bought me one for a backup when we found out Bowtech quit making them.
I have been a one bow man for all of my hunting career. This year I ordered another bow, an 09 Bowtech Air Raid. I currently shoot an 08 Bowtech 101st that I absolutely love. I can't say for sure that one or the other is a "backup." I see both of them seeing time in the woods this season.
Well..ahh..uhmmm..Browning bolt action 30.06 w/ black synthetic stocks and a Leupold. It is extremely fast and accurate but it is a LITTLE on the LOUD side:d
I like that. If I HAD to have a back up, I could set up my GF's Browning Micro Adrenaline for me, 50lbs @ 27" DL Screaming 250FPS!
I was going with my Winchester 30-30 Lever action or CVA Wolf .50 Cal Muzzleloader... both are a bit loud, but highly effective. But ya stole my thunder, wolfpack But seriously. I just bought a bow. Hoping I don't need a backup quite yet. Maybe once I've acquired enough stands, camo, rangefinders, etc., etc. I'll be able to think about it, but for now, I'm a one bow man. :d
x2 I only have one bow at them moment, but hopefully in another year or 2 I will be able to make my current bow my backup.
I actually have an almost brand new PSE Typhoon that was my first bow 3 years ago. I hope to never need it but I do keep it just for that reason in case. I usually only take it with me when I go to West Virginia.
I currently have no backup (unless you count my bolt action Savage .270 :uzi. I have plans to buy a bow in 2010. So if those plans come together then my current bow will shift over to the back up role.
Over kill on my part I guess. I don't really get rid of any bows unless I just hate them and if I hate a bow, I don't keep it around for very long at all. As of right now I have a 09 Alpha Max 32 as my primary hunting bow, a 08 Katera XL as my primary backup, a 08 38 pro that could quickly be converted to a hunting rig, a 07 HCA Iron Mace, a 06 HCA Sidewinder Pro, a 05 HCA TSSR, a 03 HCA Carbon 4-runner, and a 02 HCA Brute Force. Of course I have several bow fishing rigs that I could turn to in a real pinch.
My primary bow this will be the same as last and that's my Mathews Switchback LD, my backups are a Fred Bear Code and my "garbage bow" a Browning Rage one.
Don't have one, and most likely won't this season. Risky, I know, but unless I find a screaming deal on AT, it's how it's going to be. I've always (except this last season) had two bows ready to go, but we'll see.
I wish that i had the funds for a backup bow. Most of your guys back up bows are nicer then my main but. But my 2005 Fred Bear obsession does the job and im happy with it. And if my bow does go down mid season I am pretty much SOL.