With many states license application deadlines approaching, it made me wonder what everyone had planned for the coming seasons. First, I am hunting turkeys in NC with a very kind gentleman. I put in for MT elk and mule deer combo license with my father. If we draw, then we will be hunting public land DIY there. If we don't, then we will either hunt public DIY in CO, or maybe go on a moose hunt in New Foundland. Other than that it is Ohio and Indiana for whitetails. I know these threads pop up a lot, but they are always fun and I never get tired of them
Just are usaal 32 + days in Illinois again this year and so doe whacking in Michigan unless i find a biggin here at home!! Walt
Substituting the usual jaunt out to Colorado this year to go after an antelope in Wyoming on a trip that's been booked for a couple years with some good friends. Gonna be a lot of fun. After that, it's Missouri and Illinois whitetails again, followed by a full season's worth of predator trapping.
Nothing out of the norm for me this year. Illinois, Missouri, and Indiana deer. I never get bored with it!
First things first, late April into March, I am gonna give turkeys a go here in IL. It probably won't come together this year, but I know for certain I want to make it out to Colorado or another wonderfully beautiful Elk rich state to try out the Wapiti. I have no plans or details, just know I would like to try for Elk "atleast" once in my life. The beautiful part is, I could get this hunt booked for early-mid September which is just before harvest. I've always said I would have better luck hunting turkeys and elk because of my work schedule. Another hunt I would like to make is a Mule deer hunt. Anywhere. I don't care.....just get me somewhere different hunting and I'm happy. :D After that, this upcoming fall, I just hope to get in a stand and whack some deer this year. I'm gonna take some mornings and just hunt. I need to do this. Hunting hogs in Oklahoma just intensified my desire to hunt with my bow. And who knows what will pop up after that.
In addition to the usual Missouri whitetail season, I'm going to bite the bullet and see about an Illinois tag this year. We're talking about possibly hunting Mulie in Nebraska this year as well, but I'm not sure how that's gonna pan out just yet...
I'll hunt TN and of course my home state of GA. Only whitetail, turkeys and hogs. Someday I'd like to hunt some elk, antelope and moose probably won't be until the kids get grown.
Bears and Turkeys here in Idaho in less than a month. Putting in for Iowa, I have two preference points. Hope I draw there. If I do I will be hunting out there come Thanksgiving. Antelope come August 10 day hunt in southern Idaho. Elk,Bear,Whitetails in Northern Idaho come August 30th. Putting in for a Mule Deer Draw hunt where my brother does his Jetboat fishing/guiding. We've seen some great bucks down there while fishing. Only way in is by boat. If I dont draw in Iowa, I am hoping to join Ryan/Fran in PA/Ohio this fall.
Busy Schedule this year. March-Bowfishing Trip to Lake Guntersville in AL for grassies April-4 day turkey hunting trip in AL April/May- 3 weeks turkey hunting here April-September- A LOT of bowfishing around here, have 3 big fish goals to meet/exceed July- IL Flying Silver Carp with Brackett Outdoors August- 10 day DIY fishing/bowhunting trip in Alaska September/November- Bowhunting whitetail around here, and a few weekends dedicated to turkey Then if money allows, I will be in AZ for 2 weeks bowhunting Coues deer in January...just have to save up the money...so I ain't holdin my breath on that one. As far as big game points went, I went for AZ Elk/Mulies, UT 5 species, WY Elk/Mulies, and if I can get a credit card in time (to have enough money to front almost $900 for the tags) before the CO apps close, I will go for points for Elk/Mulies there. I am more than excited. None of these points will be utilized until after I graduate college, so this is atleast a 6 year game for me to add em up, some probably much longer.
Hopefully finding someplace close to home to get out with the bow, rifle and ML on the family farm in Northern MN to chase Whitetails. A little boring, but it gets the job done, and for now, as much as I'd love to go West for Elk or Antelope, or to Iowa, Kansas, Missouri or Illinois for Whitetail, the finances don't allow for that at this point. But some day...
Turkeys this spring on the family farm here in VA. Then my brother comes home from Germany in Nov so we are spending 4 days on the Maryland side of Eastern Shore bowhunting, and anther 3 or 4 on the VA side. Before and after that it's pretty much my normal routine go hunt whitetails in VA/NC whenever I can, maybe a 2 day hunt somewhere free like a WMA.
Texas and Kansas for sure this spring for turkeys. Texas and maybe NC for deer this coming season. West Texas for Mule deer and javalina in November. Maybe Colorado for Mulies in October. There is no way I can make all of that happen. Lack of disposible income. I'll do all I can.
I've done a horrible job planning for the up coming year but I hope to figure out some things in a hurry or I am going to be SOL to get any trip in. Then I will be really mad at myself for being stupid. :smash: As already stated, pending the luck of Troy's Iowa draw, I might get to host him for some whitetails OH more than likely, depending on timing. That would be a crappy consolation prize to go from prime Iowa hotspot to PA.
- Find more sheds - Harvest a gobbler with bow AND gun - Harvest a dozen or so whistle-pigs this summer with bow and gun - Harvest 3 does with my bow this archery season - Harvest a mature buck with my bow as well (preferably a certain stud) - Harvest another doe come Ohio Shotgun season - Harvest a coyote in their somewhere with either weapon - Take hours of memorable footage of all above mentioned hunts - Catch some studs with my trail cameras
I will be putting in for MN's once in a lifetime moose hunt and will probably not get drawn again. I have already put in for Colorado mule deer and if I am drawn will be hunting mulies and elk in Colorado, if not I will be hunting only elk in Colorado. The rest of October, November and December will be spent chasing roosters, ducks, turkeys, and deer in Minnesota.
Greg, where are you going in Wyoming and when? My schedule is as follows (or at least what I can remember of it): April/May: Turkeys in Oklahoma, Texas, & Kansas. Also lots of 3D, Fishing, and Golf. June/July/August: GTG in Illinois, Walleye fishing in North Dakota, Hogs, Golf, and Fish in Oklahoma & Texas. September: Mule deer/Antelope/Elk hunt in Wyoming and possibly moose depending on whether or not dad draws his tag. October-January: Whitetails in Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas (If I can get another tag), and Missouri.
Have a friend from Missouri coming over to shed hunt next weekend, and we'll bowhunt together this fall at my place. Turkeys with my son next month. Dove (my favorite pastime) in September. Deer with my dad (health permitting) and kids in the fall. As always, if anyone gets an archery tag and wants to hunt IL, let me know. Bols, I can put you on a buck :D.