Just had 2 bucks (and a bunch of does) in my back yard about 30 minutes ago............couple 8's.......ratty ass looking coats already molting for the upcoming summer. Full racks. I have NEVER seen full racked bucks in April.........let alone 2 together. Anyone?? I'll try throwing out some food tomorrow and get a couple pics.
I blame Bush? Can I still do that? There is a farm near me that raise deer, the bucks still has a full rack. Is it a young buck?
April 15th Is the latest I've saw a buck still carrying head gear yet. My brother saw a buck 2 days ago, 1st rack forky.
I think both were 1.5...........hard to tell with those ratty coats and still a little thin after the winter. No older then 2.5
Latest I have seen bucks still with racks here in Northern Virginia is mid-February. A lot of the bucks, especially the larger one's start dropping their racks in early January.
I am having the same problem. I checked a trail camera the other day and had 2 bucks on there with both sides still. They have never carried them that long around here that I know of.
I seen them carry em through the last week in March in MI, and the first week in April in Ky and Kansas befor. One of them in Kansas was a 10 that would go 150 and not a young deer.
I can back up Grammer on this one we were down there shed hunting last weekend and I had a 140 class run right by me with both sides.. Walt