I couldn't see a need for this since I have a bow sling/carrier that was under $25 - makes it easy to carry a bow and protects the cams(somewhat).
This isn't the purpose of his new item. His new item is to be used as a bow holster to hold the bow "at rest", as he previously mentioned. It's still something that I don't need or want. I honestly wouldn't use it even if they were free. If you think about it, everything with any real purpose in this sport has already been thought of/invented. All these new folks are doing is tweaking existing ideas.
You are correct to a point. While doing a rather lengthy patent search its clear that 1973 was the start of the explosion of bow holders no doubt due to the invention of the heavier compound
I am interested in seeing what it looks like when you can release a picture. I would put it in the $20-$30 range by your description.
Thank you to everybody that provided an opinion. We are only a couple weeks away from launching our web site which will have copious pictures and videos further detailing the product. We set the launch date to coincide with the 75th Anniversary convention of the Wisconsin Bowhunters Association where we will have a booth. We will conduct a give away here at that time. Based on the input gathered here and elsewhere we settled on an initial launch price of $25. In the meantime we are building an inventory in anticipation of the launch. We want to get a few hundred made prior to the launch. Thanks Again.
I'd definitely be all for trying it out since it is so lightweight. If I got one in a giveaway I'd definitely try to use and give my feedback with pictures.
For $25.00 I would be willing to try it spot and stalk hunting. Based on what I have read in the forum it sounds like your main competition would be bow sling products. If that is the case I would definitely be interested. Trying to unsling my bow cost me a moose in September. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes, it could be used while stalking and especially with a bow mounted decoy or for bowfishing but the main (expected) use would come from stand hunters.
We are getting ready to launch and open the web site and web store and as we were setting up the store, we entered into the discussion of A: $25 and $4 shipping and handling B: $29 and no separate shipping and handling fee since its built into the price. Which is more appealing to buyers? We are divided as a group so Im asking what people prefer. Padded envelopes, postage, internal packaging, etc come to about $4 so its an expense and like every business that expense is passed along to the buyer so as not to take a loss. What say you?
Option B would increase the end price for WI residents since the $4 applied to the base cost is taxable (sales tax) where the shipping is not taxed. Option B would mean WI residents pay 20 cents more for the product than everyone else. Option B is also a real challenge for international sales meaning there would have to be a domestic price and an international price.
launched! Thanks to everybody here for your input. We started a thread in the Mfgrs and Pro Staff area here where we are conducting a give away. http://forums.bowhunting.com/manufa...w-hands-free-bow-holder-product-launch-79065/