My questions: 1. If you had the money and time would you do everything in your power to develop a property for producing trophy deer? 2. Would you view the bucks taken there any differently than bucks you took under different circumstances? 3. How would you respond to internet chatter about your hunts not being real hunts or canned hunts or your deer not really being any accomplishment? 4. If you were invited to hunt such a situation would you go? I though about these things because I have been guilty in the past of being jealous of people who have such situations. I used to think so what, you killed a pet deer that you have hundereds of pics of and you even have him named. Then I thought what if the shoe were on the other foot? Here's my honest answers to the above questions: 1. Absolutely! In a heart beat. Food plots, water holes, minerals, sanctuaries, permanent stands (most likely heated), trail cams, a bad boy buggy, etc. 2. Yes. I would view those deer as fruits of my management labor vs. my hunting ability. I would enjoy them all equally though. It would be fun to walk out of my log home (of course I would have a log home on my property) and take my bad boy buggy to my heated deer stand and sit in my padded swivel chair and enjoy watching deer almost non-stop until Mr. big walks out. Another thing that would change if I had such a setup would be my ability to share my hunting with kids who would like to get into hunting. My situation right now is not setup for getting young people involved. I beat myself to death pounding thru swamps, hunting remote areas and I see very few deer. Most kids would probably be turned off to hunting if they hunted with me a few times. Plus I'm usually on the road which makes taking kids tough. I don't think I'd ever totally get away from the way I hunt now but it would be nice to have other options! 3. I would probably LMAO. 4. Absofigginlutely!
Yep we agree, my goal is to be internet chatter for the deer I kill, instead of the ones that make me look like an ass.
I would like to add that this is not aimed at anyone. just food for thought if your situation was different. If it's aimed at anyone it would be aimed at me because as I said in the OP I used to be jealous of such people/situations. If I'm trying to start anything here it would be to get people to start thinking from a different point of view.
1. Absolutely. 2. Sure would. 3. I'm not sure I've ever really seen this. I think most internet conversations are blown out of proportion only because of words lost in translation from one man to another. It's typing yo.. it doesn't mean their out to get you. 4. Depends on the company. I'd rather hunt crappy land with a bunch of smiling friends.. then the best of lands with skeemers and liars.
My questions: 1. If you had the money and time would you do everything in your power to develop a property for producing trophy deer? If I had the money, then I'd have the property and if I had the property, I would do everything I could to manage it properly. 2. Would you view the bucks taken there any differently than bucks you took under different circumstances? No, they would be free range deer that could easily leave the property, no different than any other free range deer in my neighborhood, assuming I'm doing this here where I live. 3. How would you respond to internet chatter about your hunts not being real hunts or canned hunts or your deer not really being any accomplishment? Same magic, LMAO 4. If you were invited to hunt such a situation would you go? Absofrigginlutely! with an r :D
Hell all of you are welcome to come to my little pair a dice, its only 150 acres but all of the monster bucks are free roaming, the stands are cold so is the beer. The food plots are filled with fawns and fork horns but we do know what fun is. I can show you pictures of bucks you might kill, good luck with that cause I can't. All I can say is Absofigginlutely!
Sure, whatever! I know that was aimed at me because IT'S ALL ABOUT ME!!!!:D I keep working on my little piece of Iowegian Heaven to make it more enticing to wildlife and someday when it's done if it produces and keeps big bucks all the better for me. My dream hunt would be sitting on the deck drinking coffee when a wall hanger shows up. Set down the coffee, pick up the bow, drop the buck and then finish the coffee.:p
Jim, if I ever get over your way I might not hunt but you can be damn sure I'll pop the top on a cold one with you! If I ever find myself in the senerio I described you can hunt in my heated blind and I'll BS with you until a shooter comes along! Then we'll take the bad boy on a beer run! A good time will be absotivilyposilutily guaranteed Oh and those bucks you can't kill, maybe you suck at hunting?
Bawanajim has a great piece of property, I was lucky enough to take the tour on the "gator". Believe me there is some tough hunting on his property and some stands that are more friendly for the less hardcore who wanna have fun! As for the questions. Yes and it's a dream of mine. That I will accomplish at some point even if only for my kids to enjoy. Kind of a loaded anwer since i'm not in the situation, but yes I think I would. It would be more of a harvest of a crop I produced. I mean I like the Drury Bros, and thier shows, (and others) but do I think they are better hunters than us? Only from watching thier particular herd. If we went somewhere neutral would they be head and shoulders better? This isn't jealousy or slander, it's just a fact, any boob with the $$ can put up a food plot on good lands and build a box blind and shoot what comes to feed. Big Bucks get respect, you never really know how it goes down..Post a few big pics and let the masses sing your glory for you. Bags would be being packed while I was still on the phone accepting the invitation!
My wife has a long list of things I suck at, lawn care, inlaws functions and most of all a job and of all my failures in life the one I strive to improve the most is hunting Absofigginlutely! .
The one big thing here is IF I had the MONEY, well i dont have the money!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So all i can say is Absofrigginlutely!
I thought about it but the hats look so phuckin dumb I don't think I could sneak up on a hearing challenged fawn with out it snickering out loud and ruining my stalk.
If i had the money and time to develop a place like this, it would be deer Heaven. There would be food plots of all sorts, different watering roles, cricks, with stands set up throughout. I would just be proud of something I developed. They would be actually more then trophies to me. It would be like you knew them all on a personal level. Years and years of development, thats awesome. I would have all the goodies around.....ONLY I HAD THE MONEY...i got the almost there..ha So i guess im going to have to settle for Whitetail Freaks, King of Bucks, Crush with Lee and Tiffany, Duck Commander, Next generation, Whitetail Nation, Full Frame, and a little to hold me over, until i get the money..
Be sure to check out the Eberharts. Chris Eberhart did exactly what you want to do, he shows how to do it on a shoe string budget, great read Whitetail access is the book