What do you think Fred Bear, Howard Hill, Paul Schafer and the likes would say about bow hunting today? Would they be proud of the progression or maybe heart broken about what they see. I think they would be excited about the growth of bow hunting but i do believe they would think it has become more about killing and fame than the journey.
I think they would be lining their pockets too. I think that they would be disappointed in the TV hunting industry as well as high fence.
I think they would be disappointed in some of the gimmickry but I think they would be pleased and excited about the growth in the sport. Remember, Fred Bear was a pioneer when it came to filming his hunts. And we all know Howard Hill's claim to fame. Blessings..........Pastorjim
Yup!! I agree. I'm changing my hunting ways this upcoming season. I truly got disgusted with what hunting became to me... In the tree with a camera passing on bucks that I would have crapped my pants if I saw them as the 16 year old kid who used to get buck fever when I saw a deer.... I miss that feeling and want to feel the true thrill of the hunt again, which is what got me hunting years ago. So i ditched the camera last year but it still wasn't enough. I started my hunting days when I was 14 on the ground, still hunting. Some of my fondest hunting memories and encounters were on the ground.. So I'm going back to that method. I'm also ditching the PSE DNA and am teaching myself traditional archery instinctive style....every target shot is rewarding to me that way... Can't wait to send an arrow at a deer while shooting instinctively on the ground!! Plus... Truly any deer is a trophy at that point. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I think were separated at birth! You just described my life. I too took on the journey of going fully traditional this past season. I hunted the entire season with the recurve, until gun season came in. I even sold my E32 last Jan and only had the recurve. Now, I had a really great learning experience and I missed on the second day of the season. I did not get a shot until the 4th week. I did not recover that deer. I think I hit her in the liver. I was devastated. It started to really work on my mind and i became fearful of the "moment". I freaked out and bought a compound the first week of gun season. Now I have both. I will hunt with both. What I really learned from all of this? The traditional bow taught me to simplify my goals, and my approach. It taught me to be a kid in the woods again. I may never kill a deer with this recurve, but I can promise you it won't be for lack of trying. I will hunt with both and enjoy both.
Wow! Yup definitely sounds like separated at birth! I bought an amazing book and highly recommend it if you don't have it already. It's called "stalking and still hunting. The ground hunters Bible." By G. Fred Asbell. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I have not read that. I will check it out. I did a few hunts on the ground this and it was tough. I only saw one from the ground but it was close!
Thats one of the reasons why I hunt from the ground a lot.Dont get me wrong I love watching deer from a stand but there is just something different about being at their eye level.(even if I am wearing a ghillie suit).
it was certainly a rush. I did like the fact that I could hunt almost anywhere with the right background cover. But i always worried about movement and scent.
I too love Clay Hayes's films. My dad has been a traditional shooter for sometime now and he's also been successful a handful of times. There's no doubt I'll try hunting with one after I get a few more years of experience.