The only opening day I'll be able to hunt is here in Ontario, where its buck only for us NRs. So, hopefully I can find a 3.5 yr old+ to whack. After that, on my first sit in IL I'll be looking for a mature buck and first sit in WI a mature buck or doe.
Just depends on the wind and weather. I have a few stand sites that could produce an early season buck, other than that I will try to take a doe or two first.
lol.... I said that's what I'm after. Seeing as how that doesn't exist on my land I'll settle for a 3.5 +or older 120"+. Unless of course I'm playing my hunting game on playstation..... then I'll set my standards higher.
Im going to be hunting for a good doe. Im going to wait to press for a buck until rut. that may be to late but thats the plan for now
If past history repeats itsself, nothing on the opener but i will be hunting for a Doe where i usually kill one every year. Not sure why but my first week ot two is usually stale then really takes off from there. BUT I got some new property this season ill be trying out
The first day, I am taking my father in law out on his first BH ever. I will have the camera in the lock and load position, but the Air Raid will also be hanging should the chance to double up on does arise. The first day is more tradition for me. I hunt the cabin land with the boys and have a blast doing it, but my "real" first day is the first Monday and I am hoping that it leads to some backstraps.
prospects look real good this year. I still have more scouting to do. so far... depending on wind... maybe Tall Tines... or the Big Four... or Freaky Brow... or Flyers... he has flyers on both sides... Tim
I hunt for the same thing from opening day until the season closes....A nice buck, and if I see a doe, sometimes I shoot them and sometimes I don't, depends on how I feel at the time. But just for the record, I do love to take a doe.
I'll just be glad when opening day is finally here, then if it's a buck or a doe, if it's a good size... it's down.