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What was your first kill?

Discussion in 'Bowhunting Talk' started by Agi Ambre, Jun 18, 2021.

  1. axtell343

    axtell343 Grizzled Veteran

    Nov 5, 2014
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    Northeast PA
    Dang, that is disappointing.

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  2. Agi Ambre

    Agi Ambre Weekend Warrior

    Apr 6, 2020
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    San Diego
    Well it did storm on the the first day. I hiked in to scout the places I wanted to hunt from the next morning. About a mile in I stopped to check my map because I notice a game trail through some tall grass and could smell piss. I decided to turn around and cut across the game trail to the grove. There was a coyote at the edge of the grove that decided to cut across the meadow about 40-50 yards away to the side of the meadow I had just left.
    If I hadn't checked the maps and just used my eyes and instincts...
    It was one of those moments where 7 things went through my mind at one time. By the time I had an arrow knocked and ready to pull back she made it to the edge of the trail that banked around out of sight. I could hear some people hollering from further away down the meadow. and while I had the shot, I couldn't see beyond it. I went into stalk mode and followed it's path up the hills and rocks into the forest. At that time the people yelling in the meadow had turned into absolute destruction of peace. I cannot believe that some people can be so obnoxious and inconsiderate of serene wildness.

    I couldn't pick up the trail and I didn't have the foxpro with me. I came back to that area the next morning and used the foxpro to no avail. I started at about 5am and moved around as guided by others for about 5 hours with no further encounters or signs. I even went back to the first spot later that evening around the same time as the first sighting.

    A frustrating first out but I did learn quite a bit. I learned where some other hunters have set up their tree stands and why (happened to be the same places I scoped out from the satellites) I learned that all the practice and patience pays off when it comes to making the decision to shoot. I could have taken the shot, but the risks were too much.

    Hopefully soon I will be adding to this thread i created with my own first kill. Until then all i can contribute is the experience of my first hunt.
  3. NebMo Hunter

    NebMo Hunter Die Hard Bowhunter

    Sep 12, 2016
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    Omaha NE, Nodaway County MO
    my first deer was a muzzleloader hunt in a national wildlife refuge, the goal was brown is down and i put a 50cal sabot into a 45lb pound fawn. i wasnt nervous about the shot because as you will soon realize the adrenaline will be pumping. watched through the cloud of smoke the fawn do a flip.
    very tasty deer

    i was a late to deer hunting guy, but not to the outdoors or guns in general. my father paid for most of his college trapping fox, my grandpa yells at me every time we talk for not going fishing with him enough.
    i dont have super fond memories of my first deer kill, i do have fond memories of my first archery kill. the emotions, the joy of getting a good shot, the gut wrenching when i lost blood and completely unrestrained euphoria when I found that buck under a cedar.
    Wop 75, oldnotdead and Agi Ambre like this.
  4. Jensen

    Jensen Weekend Warrior

    Jul 13, 2015
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    Southern MN
    My first kill was a doe. I had shoulder shot two bucks previously, one my first time ever sitting and then the following year in early October. Those first two years I was using mechanical head with a light arrow and only pulling 50 pounds. I did not have enough KE with my short draw to get good penetration and was so disappointed after making poor shots. The season I harvested the doe it was veterans day and I hadn't seen a buck I wanted to shoot - at that time I was trying to live up to some expectations, that weren't put on me but rather but I wanted to impress others. I finally had a doe come in at 3 yards and I was tucked in a cedar about 8 feet up and made a good shot. She made a loud grunt gargle sound that caught me off guard and weirded me out but she piled up after running about 50 yards. Thankfully I have matured as a hunter and now I am more flexible and in my appreciation for deer and have no problem harvesting a younger buck. Still have a goal of getting a P&Y though.
  5. Vabowman

    Vabowman Grizzled Veteran

    Feb 15, 2009
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    Southeast Va
    tweedy bird with a bb gun. 1980. first squirrel was 1988.. first deer was a doe Jan of 1990.
  6. Fix

    Fix Grizzled Veteran

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Western NY
    You been lurking vab? Haven't seen you
  7. Vabowman

    Vabowman Grizzled Veteran

    Feb 15, 2009
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    Southeast Va
    Not much bud, been doing a lot of fishing. Bought a brand new Triton and been taking the boys out a bunch so I just have not been online a bunch. But the fishing is dying out and I am gearing up for fall. !!
    Mod-it likes this.
  8. Fix

    Fix Grizzled Veteran

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Western NY
    It's a great feeling, the smell is almost in the air. Great to have you back. Help me keep these Jabroni's in line
    Vabowman likes this.
  9. Franco S. Cruz

    Franco S. Cruz Newb

    Jul 8, 2021
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    2605 Davis Lane Greenwood Village, CO 80111
    It’s an amazing feeling. Hunting has always been huge in my family. I was scared to death to shoot a gun growing up. I got my first buck when I was 16. Nice 9 point. And I now own 2 guns and 6 air gun rifle you never know what you love until you try things that you fear!
    Agi Ambre and LittleChief like this.

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