A bluejay my Mom asked me to kill with my BB gun when I was 7-8 cause it was dive bombing our cat. Killed it off a branch in a tree about 30 yards from my rest on the porch railing. Graduated to a button buck at 15 which was the first deer I saw while hunting in a tree stand on my own. Shot it at 25 yards through a V in a tree. Ran 5 yards and died.. I only had a 1 arrow and I thought I hadn't killed it so I ran about 1 mile to camp to borrow another arrow. It was of course dead about 30 seconds after I decided to run back to camp. Joined the Marines and hunted other stuff for a while, and I've been on and off hunting for the past ten years. Still trying for my big buck. Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk
Thank you for your service. I've heard other service people liken hunting to deployment time, only that you come back to your comfortable bed much sooner. More so the comradery and looking out for fellow hunters while having the discipline and patience to look for your target. Would you agree with that? just curious.
It was a groundhog I think, or maybe a bird. We had a groundhog burrowing in our backyard, so I had the bright idea of pouring water into its hole and then shooting it with my BB gun when it came out. So me and my younger brothers filled a big garbage can with water, drug it to the hole and started pouring. Eventually the groundhog came out, but our BB guns weren't powerful enough to kill this groundhog, Only wound it. We shot it 10-15 times before I just grabbed a big stick and clubbed it. It's sounds like a horrible story now that I type it out, but I still chuckle when thinking about it.
Ya, hunt camp has that comradery.. clearly less to have to worry about being in the deer woods vs being in a combat zone. Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk
When you were 4? Is your real name Lenny? LOL. but seriously were you raised in a rural lifestyle? how did you manage to kill a sparrow when you were 4?
Yeah I'm a farm kid. We had hogs and cattle growing up and there was no shortage of sparrows and starlings around. I wore out 4 or 5 BB guns by the time I was 10 to the point the bb just rolled out of the barrel. I guess I never thought of it being that big of a deal? I would have a trail of about 5 cats and my dog follow me around the farm for hours on end waiting for the next kill. Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
Chipmunks, TONS of chipmunks. My buddy’s and I were in the woods non stop with BB guns taking care of the neighborhoods chipmunk population.
My first bow kill was in 2013. I started hunting in 1987!! I killed a doe with a shotgun, but my first deer with the bow was in2013 and he was a little 3 point. Ill never ever forget it. Welcome to the addiction! Like Fix said, shoot does!! Bone is in the eye of the beholder! Best of luck
First kill with a bow was a rabbit using an old bear long bow. I still to this day get the adrenaline rush when an animal is under my stand no matter what it is. 20 yrs in the Navy allowed me to hunt all over the US. I love this ****…
I rifle hunted and got a lot of deer before my first bow kill. First bow kill was in 2013 when I was 24 (my 2nd year bowhunting). I was sitting on the ground on a field edge and a fat doe came strolling by at 15 yards. When I shot my arrow deflected off of a twig and went right into the does ear lobe, dropping her immediately. What a learning experience that was for me.
I cant honestly remember first kill but i know it had to be with my red ryder. I graduated to a benjamin pellet gun and killed a number of squirrel, rabbit, birds. My first “real hunt” was for rabbitsand quail with a .410., my uncle called me over and pointed out a frozen scared rabbit in the brush. I took half its head clean off. My first deer was with a shotgun and my grandpa was in the stand with me. He woke me up when she came at us. First pheasant was with my dad, he was more of an upland hunter. My uncle took me waterfowl hunting all throughout my youth and i continue to do that to this day. All of this was before the age of 12. Then its snowballed from there with a few absences throughout my teenage years. My family were policemen and i was getting in trouble for awhile so i tended to avoid them which was also avoiding my outdoor opportunities. Good thing i found my way back to the light!
Intriguing thread here... First kill was blackbird with pellet gun, age 12ish. First bow kill (couple months ago) squirrel in back yard. Looking forward to first ever deer hunt this season. Tried hog hunting earlier this summer with no luck on sightings, but figure I will keep after those in the off season.
Seems like you are in the same(ish) boat as me. I have never hunted or killed a mammal however. I once hit a dove with a slingshot and a steel bearing. didn't kill it (it survived and few off fine). This is my first year with a hunting license. I am going to be calling coyotes and maybe bring some rabbits to the campfire next weekend. Definitely trying for fall and spring turkey. Shoot straight and good luck.
I'm obsessed with firsts. First doe. First buck. First wall hanger. First in a blind. First with the new bow. First from the ground. I remember them all and this year I'm aiming for my first with my kids with me.
A big ole carp then lots of other fish...squirrels, a rabbit by throwing a rock. First bow kill a 7 pt buck. Gun deer a 6 pt buck that wasn't found until days later.
I'm 5 days out from my first chance at hunting and it looks like I'll be contending with mother natures full fury. San Diego doesn't get thunder storms often however, Last week, Saturday, and today have been storms. And t-storms are on the forecast again for this week. I'm not changing my plans but I am curbing my expectations. Very disappointed to see my chances wash away like that. I've been looking forward to this weekend for almost 3 months.