For me my current Elite 32, but dangit if I haven't thought about getting a hold of a Elite Hunter - those things draws were like slicing butter with a hot knife.
Darton with this acquisition will begin being one I'll look at as I trust BEA heavily! This change won't happen over night nor could one expect it to - I'd suspect 2023 models will be there target for overhaul if not sooner.
Hmmm...I was about to ask @Justin if they had any insider scoop but I now realize that BEA is no longer listed as a partner on; and there is no arrow section in the "Todd and Justin's Gear" menu. I mean they list everything down to their stabs so I am guessing a change is in the works. As to Darton, I hope they do not become just a crossbow manufacturer. Looks like they are currently more into that.
BEA fired us about a year ago. Now we get to shoot whatever arrows we want. Which, I gotta tell ya, is pretty nice.
To the original point of this thread, I have 4 on my list. 1. 2005 Bowtech Allegiance. This was the first flagship bow I ever purchased from a local pro shop. I remember I used my tax return money to pay for it. If I recall it was around $600 at the time. I added an NAP Smartrest dropaway, a Copper John Dead Nuts 2, Stealth Stabilizer, and Alpine Soft-Loc quiver on that bad boy. Shooting Easton A/C Superslims topped with Magnus Stingers. Those were some good days! 2. Mathews Z7 Xtreme Tactical. This was the first Mathews I ever owned when we started working with them. I loved the way the bow looked and shot. I've thought about getting another one, but dang the resale market for these Z7X bows is crazy! 3. Mathews Traverse. I don't know what it is, but I just love this bow. I'm thinking about selling it but just can't bring myself to do it. This is the bow I shoot when I just want to fling some arrows. 4. Mathews VXR 31.5. I haven't shot my V3 enough to say if it's noticeably better, but the VXR is without a doubt the best Mathews I've owned to date. I've killed 4 whitetail bucks, 4 or 5 does and an antelope buck with it in just over a year. It's a straight-up killer and may replace the Traverse as the bow I don't ever want to get rid of.
My '06 Allegiance is still a sweet shooter, I put new Barnsdale limbs on it several years back, and the bow is still killing critters and is now my backup bow and I turned it into my fixed pin bow.... my 2019 Ritual 33 is my favorite right now, fast, quiet, accurate and it has a HHA Tetra on it for single pin use ... info on 'em is in my sig. ..
Barnsdale limbs are awesome, when my 340 destroyer limbs blew up I called Gary and he took care of me. Quality product that over performs.
Trying out some of eastons stainless half-outs on the Axis this year. Tinkering with arrows has become a great way to relax. Not sure why but its a stress relief.
Yes, Barnsdale makes some good replacement limbs ... I did these in 65lbs .. btw, the cables were corrected soon after this pic ..
All time favorite was a 2001 hoyt havoc. I've had 22 or so bows from 1995 - present, and while it wasn't the fastest, smoothest, or quietest, it was the most maneuverable and best shooting bow I've ever owned. My current back up bow is a parker ezdraw33 that is pretty close to the havoc.
Of all the bows I’ve owned, I think my favorite is my current bow, 2017 Halon 32. I tend to not keep bows very long, but this one I just can’t let go. The only other bow I kept this long was a Z7 Magnum that I stupidly sold. I would love to still have that bow as a backup. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
That was a great bow! I was torn between the Magnum and Z7X when they came out. Wish I would have gotten both of them.