Staghorn recurve bow made in Merrill Wisconsin back in the late 60,s early 70,s absolutel;y loved it, wish I could find one again !!!
Have an 04' Outback that I use and I like the way it performs. I am afraid to go into shops because I can't afford/justify the high dollar bows of today. My favorite was a PSE Thunderflite shooting just over 70 pounds using aluminum 2115s with Thunderheads that ate deer up.
An elite Spirit that I built to go 28.5/70, then I would say a PSE Evoke 31. Last would be a z28 2010.5 I still have two of the the three, if I was stuck with them forever I wouldn't be missing anything. That said I still buy a couple bows a most years to play with. Most get sold fairly quick
I still have it. Mathews Halon 6. I love this bow! I have a Vertix too. If I sell one,(though I don't plan on it) it will be the Vertix.
It used to be my switchback xt which I shot for 12 years. Now it is my elite synergy. From the grip, to the draw, to the way it shoots lasers, I really like everything about the bow. The finish is top notch and the bow is just a pleasure to shoot. And it is quiet. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Easy decision for me...Matthews Traverse! I traded in my Triax for it and haven't looked back! Very smooth, forgiving bow...fits my shooting style perfectly.
I do love my Vertix, but dang I could easily have stuck with the Elite Impulse 31 or the E light. so smooth..and i loved the solid limbs..with that said, the vertix is a smooth shooter as well. although, imo, it seems loud to me...the string stop is the culprit I think.. But I have it set to where it's just barely touch touching the stop..I mean just resting ever so slightly as was recommended..
1975 Jennings Super T Hunter. It had metal hangers for the "wheels". My favorite because it is the bow that started my obsession.
Had a 1997 Hoyt Deviator Carbonit with Command Cams. If memory serves it was a 40” ata bow 29” 80#. Probably one of the best shooting bows I’ve owned. New Axious Ultra is quickly moving up the list.
My favorite so far is the Bowtech SR6 I'm shooting now. The only thing I don't love about it is the wide yokes.
2013 Mission Ballistic. It's my backup bow now but I make sure to take it out at least a few times per year. I am flat out lights out with it. The second time I ever shot it I 10 ringed at 50 and then Robin Hooded that one on the next shot. It's light, pretty fast, dead in the hand and very quiet. The only reason I went away from it is it's got what I now know to be an atrocious back wall which is really jumpy in a treestand. While I do really like my Bowtech Realm which replaced it, it's a tank and not nearly as much of a pleasure to shoot. I kind of equate the difference as such...the Bowtech is a tricked out .300WMG, the Mission is a Marlin 336 .35 Remmy.
My old Alpine Silverado 3D bow. I spent two summers going all over Missouri and shooting in tournaments with it and did well. Just a fun shooting bow and a total tackdriver.
My first bow was a ‘94 Xi Flatliner which gave me the obsession. I have since had a Darton 3800, Mathews Creed, and now the V3. I keep the bows for a long time before upgrading. My favorite and I will never get rid of it is the Creed.
my last post made me search Darton to see their latest bows... whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa as a BEA shooter, this has me very excited. excitement was tempered almost immdiately due to the clunkiness of Darton's webstite as well as their lack of competitive offerings. For those that don't know, for over 50 years (especially in Michigan and the Great Lakes region,) Darton was nearly as synonymous with bowhunting as 'Fred Bear'. Even into the 90s and early 2000s they were cutting edge and made some screaming fast bows. Not that speed is everything but they really pushed the envelope in their day. Even as recently as 2016 I was looking at what they had to offer and had a dealer been close I would have made sure to try one out before I bought. Hadn't checked for a few years now but what they currently produce is uninspiring. Here's to hoping they still stay Made in Michigan and also get some much needed revitalization. RIP, Parker.
Sadly Darton is rarely talked about. I still have connections with the 3800 because I gave it to a friend’s son. I am helping him learn to shoot and hunt. That bow is fast. I hope Darton stays in Michigan and does something to bring the competition to the front of the line.