Hearing an Elk Bugle is something that makes the hair on your arms raise, I'm still saying Elk and Moose a close second.
thought I was the only one, so I didn't elaborate on that one. I would KILL to go on a mtn lion hunt over hounds.....after coon hunting over the past couple winters, hunting over hounds is a sport in itself..I love it. And a mtn lion would be simply BA. I think a predator slam would be cool, sweepin up the bears, cats, wolves, and coyote/foxes....it would make for an impressive collection. You been out predator calling for wolves much yet?
Dan, My brother has a couple very close friends that live eat and breath cougar/hound hunting. They are guides but they always hunt on their off days and they take friends. They are always looking for a guy or two that can fill in so that they can run/practice their dogs. We will be taking the snowmobiles down in Jan and Feb on a couple hunts.
I ended up spending more time in IL than I planned and didn't hunt Ontario much. From what I heard, the wolves were everywhere this year up there and it would have been a relatively easy hunt. I'm going up to camp in February and may try doing some then, in between ice fishing.
Im telling you, you need to try this. I comitted to it in 2007 and laid the gun down. ill never look back. I killed a nice Tom in 07 and two in 08, Dont get me wrong there is nothing wrong with guns but i just enjoy it so much more now. Im already looking forward to April
I saw Jim Shocky shoot one of those Musk Ox with his gun, I want to get one with a bow and nobody I know has hunted them.
Turkeys are the best to hunt nothing better than a cold crisp morning and hearing the big tom's gobble thunder over top of you.
I'd also have to go with Elk, and hope to one day... But also, some wild hogs, it just seams like a ton of fun.
After being able to go on just one Elk hunt I would have to say that there is nothing else that compares. I can't wait to go again!