The biggest rack deer I have ever seen came running at me just before dark.Stopped 20 yards I'm in a ditch he looks like he wants to charge me.I clip on my release and start to draw.He turns and runs away I'm sick about it. I guess I should have waited but would he have calmed down.What would you guys have done.
I should have waited longer but shooting time was ending in minutes .Well I'm getting over it now it was great just to have chance at such a deer.Hopefully I'll get another chance at him.
deer stopped cause you looked out of place. usually a mature buck is gonna spin on a dime and bolt. just be happy with the experience to have seen him, and now you know where he lives! hunt him!
Thanks that just what he did I don't think he would have ever given me the shot.Like you say it was great to see him on my land.Now I know what I'm after.
yeah man, you'll tell this story for many more years than you would have if you shot it. The "almost stories" are the best ones, IMHO.
Same thing happened to me... but it was a little dinker i just stood there and waited for him to finish doggin his doe.
awesome experience but i agree with JRBOWHUNTER he prob picked you up in the wind and needed a minute to make sure all was clear , problem is youll never know, Gotta LOVE HUNTING
Next time let out a bleat call with your voice, just like they do on TV. Sometimes they will stop running to give you a second look. You gotta do it just as they are getting ready to run.