2 days off? For what? So someone else can get him? There are apples there, there will be deer! Go get em!!!
Can you not change spots within the same location? The wind is going to shift on me this weekend and I just plan to move to the other side of the trail.
Sorry to hear you didn't drop him bro. Ya know youre my homey and stuff? But dude... one tid bit of advice if I may.... Slow down! Stop! Don't be thinking about making a thread on Bowhunting.com, posting on FB or calling/texting ANYONE when you're about to put the smackdown on a buck of a lifetime!!!!!!! Focus on a hair behind his shoulder and have all the fun you want AFTER that!!!! No need for any extra thoughts going through your brain at that moment. Its YOU against him... and that is it!
Look a the map ...I wsh you could see the briers and junk he walks through...he almost has to come from the West ... there is a swamp off the property I hunt which is where I believe he is bedded...I think my nephew saw him a few years ago and my brother last year from my other stand during gun season...
I hear ya ...but it took him 30 minutes to give me a shot ...I was mr focus the first 5 ...lol ...Heck, I almost pulled out the phone, took a pic and uploaded it to the "Live From The Stand" thread!
First thing you got to do Tony is admit you have a problem, say after me "I am a premature E rackulator" one more time only louder and like you mean it, "I am a premature E rackulator. Glasses, forgot my arm guard, cracked nock (happened to me), Bug pooped in my eye, loose skin on penis caught in zipper, with 46 seasons and 11 bowhunters in our family I have heard them all and all are side effects of Premature E rackulation. It is said some even go blind! All kidding aside my friend hope you get another chance at him, would love to see a picture of you with him. Good luck!
So are u guessing the one you missed is the guy that made that big rub? Yea that definitely sucks though, I've not had a chance to miss on anything real nice so I can't really tell ya it'll get better ha. Just keep at it he'll give ya another shot. Just keep on keeping on ha.
Ah ic, well that's gotta make ya feel a little better having potentially two big ones running around.